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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 2

Alora’s POV

My sister Sarah, loved to torment me, taunt me with the things she would do to me. She had no plans to let me leave and live peacefully. She had a boyfriend, the youngest son of our Pack’s Beta. She’s already told me that once she is mated to Matt, she’ll find a way to have me exiled from the pack, and declared a rogue. This is so she can kill me, or have me killed. She said it was only right for her to remove the embarrassing dark stain that was me from their lives.

Sarah doesn’t know we are from a very respected bloodline, not that she’d want to claim it. I also found where my coloring might have possibly come from. I’m the doppelganger for the first of our ancestors, Luna Heartsong. She had been an Alpha warrior, she was reputed as one of the strongest and fiercest wolves of our history. My family would want to deny any relation to her because of her skin, hair and eye color. I still couldn’t figure out the reasoning behind this, no other Clans cared as they did about coloring.

Forcing myself to shake off the depressing thoughts, I start thinking about the day ahead. I had turned eighteen over the four day break, making me somewhat excited for today. I might be able to meet my mate today. Xena is excited as well. Probably more so than I am.

Oh I know I’m more excited she remarks.

“Why is that?” I inquire teasingly.

Because our mate will love us, we’ll have someone who appreciates us for who we really are she says excitedly.

“That’s our hope at least, it would be nice if our mate accepts us. Hiding away, with graduation just around the corner, has become exhausting. School ends officially in two weeks. The University’s finals have been taken, only tests left, are the High School’s finals.”

Tests, more tests, how long are they going to take, I’d rather be running she grumbled.

“Just the first three days this week, then the last week and a half will be full of nonsense, we’ll go running later tonight” I say soothingly.

When do we stop hiding everything you’ve accomplished from your family she demanded.

“The moment the ink dry’s on my diplomas and I have my license in hand and a key to my own apartment. The Alpha has a suite of rooms at the Pack House he’s going to assign me the moment I graduate” I tell her, then “Although…I may not wait till then even.”

The Alpha really respects you, you’re like the daughter he’s never had she reminds me.

“Yeah, the Alpha only has two sons. His eldest is to be our next Alpha of the Pack. He’s finishing up his final Alpha training, and should come back this summer” is my response.

I hope he’s still nice to us when he comes back to start taking his father’s position she says.

“I’d almost drowned the day we met. When he found me on the side of the river, covered in mud and blood, I was just a pup, he was a teen wolf. He helped his father rescue me, and helped his mother nurse me back to health. He was always protective of me after that, and you, after you came to me. Then once we were able to shift, his wolf would watch over us whenever we ran with him. I’m sure he’ll still be nice to us when he gets home.” I assure her.

I start to dwell on the memory of that day, the day I met him, the same day Sarah tried to drown me. It had been raining for a week, downpour after downpour before we finally got a sunny day. One of our neighbors had given me some used clothing, and there was this dress.

It was a simple dress, white with blue flowers and went down just past my knees, my sister tried to wear it but she had been to big for it, I had saved it for that day. We had been attending the pack picnic, a celebration for the end of winter, and the beginning of spring.

The trouble started because everyone was remarking how pretty I looked in that dress. My hair in two french braids on either side of my face. They were saying how beautiful my skin tone was next to the color, how it made my eyes pop so pretty.

As for my sister, she was in a pale pink dress, that was just like all her other dresses, so while she got a “You look nice, as always darling”, she had became increasingly infuriated at all the compliments I had been getting. She went and told our parents I was making a public scene in front of the Pack, drawing attention. My parents then walked over and stood near, but still at a distance, from the group of wolves complimenting me on how beautiful I was.


They had been complementing everything my family and Clan hated about me, which was everything. They had always told me I was ugly, and that I was a dark mistake, because I was not pale, my hair was not blond, my eyes were not blue. I was the blight upon the family, the shameful blot of imperfection in the Clan, and those wolves at the picnic had praised all of those features as beautiful. My parents had been furious.


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