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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 202

*These are human laws, we are wolves.” The Alpha hal said to the Councilman “Wirewher have no need to humanize mur lawn.”

“Alpha with all dor respect, you are young, a mere child in age compared to the elders of the werewolf Council. So, you may not know, your Grandfather was the one who had in start humanstring out laws, to better coexist with the growing human populace.” The Councilman had said to Alpha Andrew

Akwa hadn’t caught anything after that, she had already made her way quickly away from Alpha Andrews office door. She had been twelve and had just worked up her courage to tell the Alpha about the abuse, after a three day torture session in her parent’s basement. Sarah had been especially inventive with her knives. Alon’s breasts had already been munding out her chest, while Sarah’s chest had remained fat

The conversation she had overheard had stomped all over that courage, because her life would only get worse if she did. Both her parents Clan Alpha’s had already expressed to Alona, just how much they despised such a disgustingly dark colored child being associated with their Clan. They had refused to induct her into either

of their Clan

This meant that Alora had no mind link to either of her parents Clan’s, Alora was never even given a family mind link. They would definitely have tortured her too if they had gotten their hands on her. Especially if she were to have humiliated both Clan’s, by revealing to the Pack that two of their Clans members…had dared to abuse their own pups.

“I’m tired of hiding it all…and now that I’m old enough, I don’t have to anymore.” Alora said, her voice was filled with both pain and relief

Darien looked at Alora with confusion for a moment, then asked. “What does your age have to do with hiding?”

Alora rubbed the back of her neck and looked up at the sky for a moment, blowing out a breath before starting her explanation. “One day when I was twelve, after I had been locked in my parent’s basement and ‘punished… If you call being whipped till your back is nothing but raw meat, beaten till your skin is nothing but black and blue, and carved up like a turkey, punishment.”

Alora stopped for a moment, noticing the looks of horror on everyone’s faces, she nodded before continuing to explain. “I had been brought to the Moonstar Mansion by Damien. I had decided that I couldn’t live with being tortured like that again, so I was going to tell Alpha Andrew about it all, but I didn’t.”

“What happened, why didn’t you tell my dad?” Darien asked Alora the question everyone else also wanted to know,

“I overheard a conversation between your father and a Werewolf Councilman before I could.” Alora responded, then she told them all about the conversation.

“Oh fuck…now I get it.” Darien said

“Get what? Why wouldn’t Alora be okay with going to either of her Parent’s Clan Alpha?” Galen asked.

“Because being with either of the Clan Alpha’s after bringing my situation to light, I would have been punished severely for bringing shame to both Clans. I would have been tortured just as bad, if not worse, in their households, than I have been staying with my parents.” Alora told them, her tone grim.

“Oh my Goddess.” Serenity breathed.

Serenity had tucked herself tightly against Darien, one of her hands was gripping the back of his shirt tightly, the other was placed over her mouth to keep herself from saying more. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes, but Serenity didn’t let them fall. Darien had a broken hearted look on his face.

Galen and Kain both had grim expressions, pain gripped their hearts over what this Alpha female before them had suffered. “Why?” Kain asked, his deep brogue

filled with emotion.

“Why what, exactly?” Alora asked him.

“Why did your parents treat you like that? Why do they let Sarah treat you the way she does? Why would the Clan Alphas blame you? Why would they treat you worse than your parents?” Kain was truly upset, a pup being abused was abhorrent to him.

“I’ve asked myself those questions many times.” Alora said, her voice gentle. “I’ve even asked Xena once, ‘Why does my mother hate us so much? and her response was, “Because we are everything she fears”.”

“Well, that was a wonderfully cryptic answer.” Darien said with a snort.

Alora chuckled at Darien’s sarcasm. “I thought so too. In fact, that answer still annoys me, because I’ve yet to find the meaning of that answer. Mind you I asked Xena that question when I was just nine and delirious from pain.” Alora said in a light tone, trying to be as casual as possible about it. So that the others wouldn’t


Chapter 19: The reason


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