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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Alora’s POV

My consciousness became aware of being on another plane. I’m lying on a soft patch of ground underneath a tall Willow, unlike the ones I see when I go to the river. This tree had deep, plumb purple bark, and there were bright blue flowers that almost glowed against the dark green of the leaves all up and down every dripping branch. The grass I was on was short, thick and dark green. It was strangely soft, like moss, only dry and not as fragile. I look over, I’m next to a stone lined pond, the earth of the shore around the pond was a deep dark brown, almost black. 2

I get up and walk over, for some reason I’m barefoot here, where ever here was, the dirt was soft beneath my feet. I look in the pond, the water


is a beautiful deep blue. There was something at the bottom that glowed white, it was lighting up the water from underneath. There where koi fish in amazing vibrant colors. I look around and It looks like I’m in a garden of some sort. 3

There are trees and bushes all with glowing flowers in different colors. The smell in the air was sweet with them. I look up at the sky. It seems frozen in what could either be before dawn or at the end of dusk. With a Crescent Moon on one side and the Sun on the other. There where glittering stars all over, the brightest ones in the darkest part of the sky.

The stars seemed to fade away closer to the Sun. I’m wondering where I’m at, it feels peaceful here. I feel like I can breath properly for the first time. Like a crushing weight was removed

from my body, leaving me feeling almost like floating. But still.

“Where am I ?” I ask aloud, not expecting an answer back.

Only to jump into the air like a startled cat when an answer does come. “Your in my ‘space’.” I turn around and I face who had spoken. Shocked at what I’m seeing “Xena?!” is all that comes out. She smiles in that wolfy way of hers. “Yes, we are in my space, this is where I am when I am not with you.” she tells me. I look around again. It’s so beautiful. O

“This place is so beautiful.” I tell her. “Wait...why am I here?” I asked her. “You needed a place to process quickly what has happened today, so I pulled you here.” she tells me. “We didn’t have time to wait for your mind to catch up the normal way. This space is basically timeless, by

the time I send you back you’ll have only been passed out for ten minutes at the most.” I take a moment to think about what she said.

“We’re free.” I finally say in a whisper. “We’ve just inherited a Mansion.” my voice louder this time. But saying it out loud helped me to orient myself around this fact. “The Heartsong Mansion is ours now.” She’s nodding at each fact. Letting me work trough this. “We’re not poor anymore, we actually have money.” I laugh, hopefully there is an accountant that came with the place. But seeing as it’s been in a Trust till now, I’m sure there is one.

“We’ve been named Alpha Female of the Heartsong lineage.” that one was a wow, I mean, I’m first rank in the Alpha Class yeah, but I’m just now about to graduate. I’m barely an Adult. But it feels right. I feel the

responsibility that came with that title wrap around me like a warm cozy blanket, pulling me back together. It felt natural.

That’s when I realized this was my destiny all along. I was born to be an Alpha she wolf. Everything I had been through, what my parents put me through. What my sister had put me through. My drive to complete school as fast as possible despite all the obstacles. My need to be the best fighter, the strongest warrior I could be. All of it.

All of it made me the strong Alpha She wolf I am now. I will get stronger, I will do my new title proud. I was an Alpha she-wolf. My parents and sister will learn to respect and fear my new title. No longer would they be allowed to touch me. I feel the metaphysical chains that have held me back break. Then something warm


and glowing fills me.

I look at Xena and ask her what’s happening. “You’ve accepted your true self, now the blessing our mother, the Moon Goddess had blessed the Heartsong’s with will bond with your soul and body. You’ll have access to your Magic now.” I feel it filling me till I’m lit up like the brightest star, the light bursts out dispersing in a wave of stardust, it only goes so far before it rushes back to me.


now acknowledged by the Goddess, making us the Moon Princess.” Oh wow, is all I can think for a moment.


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