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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Alora’s POV

The Alpha had us all in the same arrangement as before, we would follow him, Serenity and I in her Jeep, Darien, Kian and Galan brining up the rear in his car. The ride to the Pack House would take about an hour from here. Fortunately I’ve always paid for my own cell phone, and plan. My parents never would have gotten me one, and after what happened, had they, they would have had it disconnected immediately. 9

So when Serenity asked for me to play my music list I was able to connect my phone to her stereo and open the app. The first song that plays when I hit shuffle is Ride of the Valkyries by Brothers of Metal. We listened to that a bit turned up, then she turned it down a bit. “You did

what you did to protect us didn’t you?” she asks me. I stay silent for a bit, reluctant to admit it to her, but I wouldn’t ignore her question.

“I’ve never had so much to lose, an now that I have it, I will protect it with every bit of power and strength that I have.” I say to her, the next song came on, it was Jungle Juice by Ganja White Night & Liquid Stranger, she peaks at me.

“I’m glad to be counted as something important to you.” she says with a blush. I let out a small laugh “I’m glad your someone I can call friend.” I tell her.

“So how do you think the boys are doing?” she asks me. I look back behind us at the boys.

They all seem to be talking, they were smiling, and each looked like they were laughing here and their in their

conversation. “They look like they’re having fun, their male bonding time seems to be a success.” I say with laughter in my voice. D

Serenity giggles. It’s such a nice day for me, a medium gray overcast, a warm wind smelling of rain, and the sun still shining through despite the clouds, the temperate a comfortable eighty seven degrees. The rain scented wind carried the sent of wet earth and flowers. Everything around us was deep greens, dark browns, and flowers of all colors all along the long road to Moonstar Territory and the Current Pack House, andother houses.

With the families growing bigger four more large Houses were built, they were set in a way to form a football field sized courtyard in the middle of them. The Garages for the vehicles connecting the houses that lead into common areas on the bottom tier, the

second tier above hosted larger common areas, the third opening onto porch areas with half of the porch covered and screened in with plenty of lounging outdoor furniture.

The court yard had a very tall old willow in the middle, there were four stone benches set in a wide circle under the tree’s dripping vines. There was a white wicker gazebo that had

climbing vines and bushes of different colored hydrangeas all around, the court yard seemed to be made up of several different gardens.

There was a pond with a Japanese style walking bridge over it, surrounded by stones. There were water lilies and colorful koi in the pond. It was visible from one of the stone benches under the willow vines. There were some trees with blue flowers, some that had purple

leaves for a time, and some with red.

There were so many different kinds of flowers in different groupings, and bushes in all ranges of colors, I had been told once this place was loosely modeled after the Heartsong Mansion, only the Heartsong was nearly six times the size of the Moonstar Mansion. The Court yard is said to be the size of six foot ball fields, the house was five stories and built in the shape of a Hexagon.

I wondered if the bedrooms there were like the one’s that were at this pack house. “So have you ever been to the Moonstar Pack House?” Serenity asks me, getting back my attention. “Yeah, a long time ago, do you remember about ten years ago the pack was in an uproar about a pup who was tossed into the river while it was swollen during the Annual Pack picnic.” I ask her.

“Yeah, they said it was a group of four girls, one tried to claim the pup jumped in on her own to gain attention. But there were several witnesses who had walked by in time to catch them tossing the girl in, but not in time to stop it, my uncle was one of those witnesses.” she pauses, she thinks for a moment, then with a quick look at me before focusing back on the road she asks “Why?” in a slightly suspicious voice.


“I had gotten very sick because of my near drowning, I wound up


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