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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Alpha Andrew’s POV

Those despicable people. I could see Alora’s strength, but she is shadowed with all the abuse she has suffered at their hands. Watching her use her newly unchained powers to protect the others she cared for against her abusers had been a moment I was glad I had gotten to witness. I’d been proud of her. But the magic she used…that wasn’t just a wolfs magic, then there was the change to her scent since lunch.

She looks almost exactly like the first Alpha, with very few of Bettina’s features present, and none of Allister’s. Thinking of that, I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where my mate and the Mountainmovers are. The two she-wolves cooking together and getting along, Alfred was sitting at

the bar attached to the large island counter. 2

I go around, moving in behind my mate I wrap my arms around her waist bringing her back to my chest. I dip my head down and kiss her neck right on her mark. She lets out a small moan of appreciation, I kiss her cheek, then lay mine on the top her head. Swaying a bit with her in my arms a moment, just enjoying the feel of her there.

So much has happened to a little girl we wished would have born to us, instead of those people. Didn’t they know how special she was? How special any pup you bore was? I was grateful for every moment I got with my pup’s. They were both grown now. “Mate.” I start, still gathering my thoughts. “How long do we keep blood samples for DNA testing on file?” I asked her.

She freezes for a moment, looks up at me with a slight frown. “Since they are first submitted. Occasionally new samples are taken. Why?” she asks. “I’ve got a suspicion, that’s all.” I tell her. “Oh. Almost forgot, King Sebastian of the Vampires called. Said he needed to set up a face meeting as soon as possible. Said it was urgent. she tells me. 2

I release her and stand back, letting her get back to cooking. A feeling of unease goes through me. I think about the change to Alora’s scent. “It’s no coincidence.” My mate looks at me, her eyes sharp. “What is no coincidence?” she asks me, her tone careful, restrained. “Alora’s scent changed at lunch.” I tell her, looking serious. “Alora smells like a hybrid now.” I tell her.

She looks confused. “But Andrew, that can’t be, Allister and Bettina both are full blooded werewolves.”

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she says to me. Then her look because one of understanding “That’s why you were asking about blood samples isn’t it?” she asks. “Yes, I don’t think the one we have on file is accurate.” I tell her. “Alora looks almost exactly like the first Alpha, there is very little of Bettina there, just her nose and her high cheek bones, and none of Allister.” 2

She’s quiet for a little bit, thinking of everything I said, she helps Camille with the last of the preparation. Tosses things in the oven, washes her hands before turning to me. “I think it’s time Damien comes home, before the King’s visit.” she says. He tone a demand. “I will see what I can do to make that happen.” I tell her.

“I’ll go make some phone call’s now, and then return King Sabastian’s call.” I give her a kiss on the cheek before making my way to my office on

the first floor of the original part of the Pack House, the part we’re currently occupying. The Betas wing was to the left, the Enforcer wing to the right, the last wing was for random pack members. Guests we usually hosted in the Alpha and Beta wings.

I get to my office and sit in my chair, picking up the phone I call the head master of the Northern Continental University of Werewolves. It was a top University for Alpha and Beta pairs to go to. They’re program was the hardest to complete of all other Universities. NCUW was for the strongest and most dedicated Alpha and Beta pairs only.

“Principal Silverlake here.” said the headmaster in way of greeting. “Hello Callahan.” I say. I hear a squeak like he suddenly sat up straighter in his chair. “Alpha Andrew! This is a surprise. What can I do for you?” he



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