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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Alora’s POV

The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle, the double doors leading from my new bedroom, to the covered balcony open. I stand leaning against the door frame, watching the rain fall. My room overlooked the koi pond, with the willow behind it. I loved the pond, besides the willow it was one of ‘my favorite features of the courtyard. I was deep in thought as the wind brought in mist and the smell

of flowers. I was trying to clear my head so I could sleep. In the dark of the room the stars that appeared in my hair at nightfall twinkled, I couldn’t see the crown, just knew it was there. 2

It was around ten p.m. now, I didn’t think I would be able to sleep anytime soon. There was a lot that was going on. The dinner had been pleasant. The Alpha and Luna teasing their son, Serenity giggling by his side. He took it all with a smile, all he needed was Serenity by his side. This made me long for a mate of my own. I had had one this morning, only for him to reject me. Serenity’s parents turned out to be quite entertaining. The dinner and dessert stretched into a couple of hours before the couple needed to get home, both having work early in the morning.

The Alpha had a meeting earlier with Matt and his parents. Loren, Beatrice, Agatha and each of their parents and Agatha’s grandmother, were also at that meeting. I didn’t go to the meeting. I stayed in my room once I caught site of everyone from the stair case. Strangely, all three girls were dressed casully in plain blue skinny jeans and t-shirts for different rock bands, their make up nothing more than mascara. 2

They had looked nice. Pretty, an inner beauty coming out that had been hidden by those gaudy outfits and heavy make up. That had been interesting, but not interesting enough to have me go near enough to find out. I didn’t want to have anything to do with my tormentors. I have been plagued enough by them. I didn’t want to seek out their company. After his meeting, the Alpha had sought me out.

I run it through my head. Needing to examine everything, having a highly active photographic memory, this turns the encounter into a movie inside my head. It started with the knock on my door. I had been sitting at my new desk, having unpacked every thing before dinner after my shower. I was glossing over the material for my last three exams. I didn’t really need to, it was all in my head, like had the books copied into my mind and on a shelf inside my brain. Sometimes I visualize an outdoor library under a willow tree, that for some reason had pink cherry blossoms on it.

The sunlight was in a mid morning position, light filtering through the willows vines, the light from the sun, despite being bright, was gentle, and warming without being hot. I didn’t feel the need to squint like I would normally in sunlight, here it was comfortable. The petals of the tree would be blowing around in a sweet rose and lilac scented air, and under the tree in the green grass, were waist high white stone book shelves. (2)This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

They were placed in a staggered circular pattern around the tree, spreading out in row after row. Green leaved vines claimed the outside of the shelves, different colored flowers blooming from the vines, all in varying shades of blue, purple, red and pink. I would sit by the tree near one of the shelves, the book I needed to visualize in my lap for me to read. Some how I didn’t think this was all il —mal hout l’

that normal, but I’ve always done it to center myself and find information I needed quickly when I couldn’t access the physical material. O


I frown “My status?” I’d asked. “Yes, you are now a Noble of the Northern Continental Werewolves, your Alpha status being registered with the Moon Mountain Pack Council, your status as a Noble was also registered.” he told me. I’d had a feeling that had meant something big for me. “This means your life is going to be a lot different then being a lesser Noble as a Doctor and Scientist of the Pack.” he had continued. Nope, my feeling had been right, hadn’t liked what it meant.


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