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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

King Sabastian’s POV

I was standing on the balcony outside mine and Stephanie’s bedroom. I was looking down at a vast garden below. Our mountain range was bursting with life. Trees wore their best leaves, bushes their best flowers, everything was blooming. The wind brought with it flowers and the sent of wet earth. In the distance there is a storm somewhere. I can almost taste the lightning in it. (2

I heave out a heavy sigh. I felt impatient, like time was stretching endlessly out before me. But I know that’s just my imagination. I found out the child I had thought dead, was very much alive, and was not a son as I was told, but a daughter. I was to begin my search for her in the Moon Mountain Pack. However I wasn’t going to arrive for several days now, this Saturday was what was arranged.

It felt like Saturday was light years away to me. I wanted to meet my child, I wanted to be able to hold her to me as I did my others. I had been gone from her life before she was even born. I also have the suspicion that Bettina never meant for her or I to find out about each other. The Alpha of the Moon Mountain Pack said he has someone in his pack he thinks might be her. The problem was that she had her recent blood test result, and they showed that she was the child of Bettina and her husband, an Allister.This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

The Alpha didn’t give me a name, he did say that while they had to wait, on the preparations for my visit to be competed, he was going to have another test done. This one to be supervised by his Luna, a she wolf named Ember, who was a Pack medical Doctor. He said he didn’t want to get either of our hopes up, so he wouldn’t tell me the name and said he wouldn’t tell her which Vampire might be her

e said some magical binding had been broken by the she wolf he talked about. (3

He told me her scent had changed with the breaking of the binding spell she’d been under. The girl he talked about had to be her. I hear my mate come up behind me, we’re both dressed for bed, but I had yet to settle my mind enough for sleep. She wraps her arms around my waist and sets her cheek against my spine. She just holds me a moment, I let her warmth seep into me, giving me comfort. We stand like that in silence, the sounds of the night around us. “I feel so impatient, I’ve been kept from my child for eighteen years, granted I haven’t known that till today, but now that I do….” I trail off.

(2This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

“Now that you do know you want to be with her this instant and not five days from now?” her question voiced more as a statement. I sigh “Yes my darling light, that is it exactly.” I admit to her. She lets go,

hly to move around and face me before putting her arms back around my waist, I wrap mine around her shoulders, pulling her to me, she lays her head on my shoulder. “It’ll be ok. Soon we will meet your daughter, and we’ll have the Alpha’s help in dealing with Bettina.” she says.


Yes, but… I feel like it’s more than just her identity that he’s hiding from me at the moment.” I say to her, ” Something is telling me she’s not had a happy childhood.” I tell her. I feel something wiggle inside my chest a bit, it was extremely faint at the moment. Like one of the children calling out to me. It was too faint for me to tell which direction it came from, nor from which child. (1)

Then it tugs again, stronger this time, I could tell it was some distance away. No…It can’t be…can it? The tug more of a jerk now, and no, none of my children here in the castle were responsible. I’d  .This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

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