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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Alora’s POV con’d

‘The Goddess seeing their love, and the strength the Vampire had used to fight his curse, decided to bless the couples mating. See, the wolf he had fallen in love with, was descended from her first wolves. The ones she created, after falling in love herself. With a wolf who had called the Volcano of Moon Mountain, home. The wolf, with black fur and strangely violet eyes, had loved the Goddess as she did him. Sadly, he was unable to act on it, as he was a wolf. (2

One night, with the moon at it’s fullest, he asked the Goddess for a human form for his wolf. Even if only for the one night, as he was nearing the end of his life cycle, he wished to make love to the Goddess, at least once. His life, was so short compared to the Goddesses existence. Wanting to be with him, she granted him his request. Using the fire within the Volcano of Moon Mountain, and the song of longing from his heart, she gave him his human form. But not just for one night. No, the Goddess had gifted him the ability to change to this new human form at will.

His human form was tall, six foot eight. His skin tan from the power of fire and lightning from the Volcano, his eyes violet, his hair long and black. Using the power of the Volcano’s fire had extended his life cycle significantly, he could live for Centuries. He had been Alpha, for all the wolves who lived in the surrounding forests, and lands on the Moon Mountain Volcano mountain range. With his new form, he was able to mate with the Moon Goddess, that night they created a life, their daughter. This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

Not wanting her daughter to be lonely, she granted all the wolves living on the Moon Mountain, mountain range, the ability to shift to human. She created the new race of Supernaturals, using the power of the elements around the wolves. Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Shadows, Spirit, they had been the elements that made up the seven Clans original magic. Blackfires, the Fire element. Mountainmovers, the Earth element. Frosts, the Water Element. Northmountains, the Wind Element. Moonstars, the Light element. The Shadowtails, the Shadow element. The Heartsongs, the Spirit element. 2

The elements gifted the wolves with very long lives, and a magic unique to them alone. Until she gifted the Vampires freedom from their curse. She said the souls of the Vampires born were not tainted from birth, they became tainted by the curse. The Goddess had used those same elements to gift them that freedom, and magic. The elements had given the Vampires longevity as well. The Goddess freeing them to have fated mates. This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

Their curse lifted, their Vampire self turned into Sprites, so they could walk in the light of day. The Sprites would either be of shadow or light, the ones with Light Sprites were called Day Walkers, the ones with Shadows, Night Walkers. A Day Walkers power strengthened in the light of day, a nightwalkers strengthened by the shadow of night. None of them were really weak, it’s just when their magic would be strongest. O

The Goddess said to the couple, their daughter, to keep her safe among the Werewolves, would be acknowledged as her daughter, and would be marked as such. Her blessing from the Goddess would be visible. So the wolves would be able to accept a hybrid, and future hybrids. She also made the rule that no member of any species of Supernaturals were to interfere with fated mates. They would face long lasting retribution should they do so, and to reject your fated would bring pain and punishment..

That daughter was my ancestor, Luna Blood-Moon Heartsong. We call her the First Alpha, but it’s really she was the first Alpha of Alphas. The true first Alpha being the Goddesses Consort. The first Werewolf, who continues to walk the stars by the side of his beloved mate, his mortality long since gone. His life force and essence bonded to the Goddess, he was no longer of this earth but of the stars. He was known to us as the Father of wolves, watching over us next to our Mother, the Moon Goddess.

The Frost and Northmountain Clans, have gone against the Goddesses rule repeatedly, because of a prophecy. A Black Magic using Witch, had told the overly ambitious and jealous Clan leaders that prophecy. The Witch prophesizing that there would be a pup born, coming from the tenth generation of Frost and Northmountains, from a generational pair of blond hair and blue eyed wolves. This pup would have the power to become Alpha of Alpha’s, with the potential to make the Frost and Northmountains the ruling Clans of the Pack.


What the prophecy didn’t specify, was that the pup had to be born to both parents, of the generational pair. I was the eleventh generation, I had the power they spoke of, but would no longer acknowledge them as my Clan. The Clan has repeatedly disregarded the Moon Goddesses rule. They have repeatedly aligned themselves with practitioners of the Black Arts. Going so far as to form blood bonds with them, binding a Black Magic using Witch to a wolf. This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com

I get up off the floor and close the balcony doors. A wave of exhaustion slams into me. So much having happened draining me of the last of my energy. I crawl into the bed. It was like laying down on a cloud, the sheets and blankets so soft, the pillow fluffy. The feeling of safety being in the Alpha’s territory gave me, wrapped around me, allowing me to relax. Later, after the exams, I could worry, for now I would sleep. I would concentrate on my exams tomorrow.


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