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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Alora’s POV con’d

As I start my trek down stairs, my phone vibrates with a message. I stop, I’m halfway to the stairs, and pull out my phone to see who it’s from. I know It’s not my parents or Sarah. I blocked their numbers, all of them, so they couldn’t harass me that way, at least not yet. I had to blink at the ID card of who the message was from. He hasn’t messaged me since I sent him a thank you for the jacket that I haven’t worn yet. Today will be my first day to wear it.

Hello Starlight, I wanted to wish you luck on your exams today. I’ll call you this afternoon, was his message. He was going to call me later. It had been so long since I’ve heard his voice. It’ll be nice to hear it again, even if it is over the phone. Thank you, good luck on your exams too. I look forward to your call. I send him back. He must have heard about some of what happened to me. He probably wants to make sure I’m alright. I faintly feel a thread wrap around my heart at that. 2

Continuing down the stairs I go to the kitchen. Both the Luna and the Alpha are sitting their talking with coffee in hand. Luna has a portable blood draw bag on the counter in front of her, they look up when they see me come in. They smile when they see me, like they were genuinely glad to have me there. It was such a drastic change from what I was used to at Bettina’s. I loved it, it warmed me to be welcomed like this.

“Good morning dearie, how did you sleep?” asked Luna, her tone soft, with genuine curiosity. She actually cared how I slept.

“I slept great once I was able to fall asleep.” I let her know.

She frowned slightly. “Something kept you up?” she asked with gentle concern. The Alpha also has a slight frown, he was just observing for now, letting us talk.

“Well….after the Alpha came to talk to me I decided to meditate. I’d had a lot to think about.” She nods, then gestures for me to continue when I stay silent. “Remember I told you Xena had pulled me into her ‘space’ at lunch yesterday?” They nod, staying quiet, letting me explain in my own way. “Well, while I was in that ‘space’, I was able to see these chains that were around me.” I paused. They both looked a cross between serious and worried. “Well they were already cracked and weakened by Matt rejecting me.” 2

The Alpha and Luna looking at each other briefly, I continued on. “I managed to break them,” I tell them “That’s what allowed me access to the power those chains had been binding.” I tell them. “I was able to gain access to all my magic, and the blessings that mark me as a Lunar Princess.” Their look kept switching, angry, relived, worried. “That’s not all, not even the worst part.” I said, they looked at each other, both having questioning looks on their faces. “Tell us.” said the Alpha. I ignore the sound of the door behind me.

So I did, I told them about what Bettina had done. Everything she had done, I told them about Sarah. I told them about Allister, even about that night. I told them everything about Selena, what the Moon Goddess had said. I gave them all the information Selena had given me and Xena. I was grateful our first test wasn’t till ten this morning. It had taken me an hour to tell them everything. The Luna had tears streaming down her face, and her face switched between grief and anger at all I’d been through. I

felt like a weight has been lifted having truly talked. (2)

The Alpha had a furious look on his face and his fists clenched. “Those people will answer for their crime.” he growled out. Their was a growl behind me. I turn. Darian’s eyes had shifted to wolf, he had one arm around Serenity, clutching her into his side. His other hand down by his thigh, clenched in a tight fist. His form shook a bit. Serenity had tears streaming down her face, the emotions on her face the same as the Luna’s. (2)

“Who’s telling Damien?” Darien growled out that question.

I frown confused. “Why would we tell Damien?” I ask.


“Because that was his stipulation for going to Collage. We were to watch over you, and help you escape your family however we could” said the Alpha. “The moment he found you on that river bed your life became his concern.” his tone wry. “That boy has always had an overly developed protective insinct.” he tells me. “But ‘you’ are special, always have been.” he said gently. 2


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