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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Alora’s POV con’d

We had to put our conversation on hold as the other students taking the test at this time filter in. Matt had already come in and taken a seat in the back row eight spots away. Sarah walked in, looking smug to be there. Till she saw us. The look of fury on her face, was demonic, twisted and ugly. “YOU!” she snarled then started to stomp in our direction.

Every one of us stiffened and glared. We started to let off an Aura, that had the rest of the class, all those Elite and Alpha fighters, cringe away from us. The weakest ones, bowing their heads in submission. But did Sarah get the hint not to fuck with us, like every one else did? No. She was either to stupid or to oblivious in her fury.

If she’d spent more time studying and less time sleeping around and blowing things off, she might have had a smidgeon of common sense. She doesn’t pay attention to the growl coming from deep within my chest. Or the growls from the others. “YOU WHORE!” she yelled, still snarling. “YOU DARE SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME AFTER WHAT YOU DID!” she was shrieking, along with her snarling now.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)


What was completely unexpected was Matt “Whore?” he snarled the question at her, getting Sarah’s attention. “If ANYONE is the whore it’s you!” he spits that at her. The look on his face is of disgust and anger. “Your a whore of the first order, now sit your wicked bitch of the west ass down, and shut the fuckup!” He growls the insult and order at her. “Some of us actually want to get our test done and out of the way.” he snarls. 25

Everyone in the class that saw the encounter started to clap, they were tired of her shit. She was not the strongest wolf here, and she didn’t have the support of those who were. She was out of her depth here. With a snarl in my direction she does as Matt told her. I was confused and vindicated all at once, didn’t exactly know what to feel about what just happened really. The teacher walked in the door then, we all settled in our seats and started to take our test.

The five of us finished the test before the two hours were up. So we were allowed to leave the classroom early. We gathered in one of the schools courtyards, sitting on and around a stone table with stone bench seats next to a dogwood with purple blooms. The wind was sweet with flowers and other freshly growing fauna. My phone vibrates, I take it out and it’s the Alpha. “Hello Alpha.” Everyone’s attention snaps to me. Never did like being the center of attention….still don’t. 5

“Hello Alora,” he greats. “How were your exams?” he asks me. O

“They were good, all of us and Jaxon finished early, so we’re in a courtyard.” I tell him.

“Have you told Jaxon that you would like him to be your Beta?” he asks.

“Yes, and he’s accepted.” I answered.

“Excellent,” he says approvingly, then in a reluctant tone. “You should fill him in on your history soon,” he advised me.

I agreed with him, “I plan to do that after we finish our tests today.” I tell him, letting him know I had already planned to.

“That’s good.” He tells me “You’re already proving to be a good Alpha, Alora.” he praises. “Ember has the blood test results back.” he states. “The one we did on Allister’s blood, from this mornings fresh sample,” he pauses. “As we suspected, the blood on file is not Allister’s, Allister is not your father.” his tone was grim, because this also meant, someone had messed with Pack records. »

“Thank you for telling me, I’m glad for the results.” I tell him, trying to assure him I was okay as well.

“Ok sweetheart,” he says gently. “Good luck on the rest of the exams, and we’ll see you back home.” he tells me, then adds. “And bring Jaxon back with you, when you do.”

“Yes Alpha.” I tell him. We disconnect.

I walked into the classroom, they were already there. She was surrounded by the other wolves, and from what I was hearing. She had just accepted three of them into her service. One as Beta and two as Enforcers. She would need them too. As a Clan Alpha, she was required to show a presence when the Pack had Important Dignitaries visiting.



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