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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Alora’s POV

When the Alpha had been making introductions, it hadn’t been long before I noticed something was going on. Looking at Jaxon, seeing his body shake, his gaze intensely focused on the Hybrid who was to be my Gamma. I was glad I would not be the only Hybrid in the Heartsong Mansion. ‘We’re not alone anymore girls’ I tell Xena and Selena. Their joy at that, the same as mine, our emotions tend to be on the same wave length.

Looking at the Hybrid, I saw his focus was only on Jaxson, the tension in him palpable. ‘Huh’ I though “Jaxon likes males, I would have never guessed that’. What was also a surprising turn of events, it seems his mate, is my new Gamma. ‘Well that’ll make things easier.’ Finished with my internal monologue. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)I figure it was best to bring the situation to the Alpha’s attention. So I did, the Alpha knowing what he knew of mates, delayed the meeting for an hour.

Sending us all on our own way, and giving Jaxon a key to one of the guest bedrooms. Victor was the name of my new Gamma. What was interesting about him was, that he looked like what you would imagine a tall elegant vampire would look like. With his white, long sleeved button down and his black jeans and boots, then those glasses and long hair. Tall, lean, elegant with a deceptive amount of strength hiding away in his frame.

I vaguely remember him, I’d seen him fight once, just the once. But it had been enough. The four burly wolves had ganged up on him, teasing him over his glasses, calling him a weak twig of a wolf. Oh how he had proven them wrong. It was over in a matter of minutes, all four wolves on the ground, writhing in pain from his wicked fast and powerful blows. Not a hair out of place, his clothes still neat, a brilliant blue button down with his jeans and boots.

His glasses still neatly perched on the bridge of his nose he had glared down at them. “Just because I’m lean, and wear these glasses, does not make me weak.” he had said in a cold elegant voice, then he tuned away. Then continued on to wherever it was, he had been going, before the wolves had stopped him. He was strong, so it was good he was my Gamma.

I wonder what he would think of me. Was he going to look at me with the prejudice the rest of my blood had, or would he form his own opinion? These questions and thoughts, going around and around in my head as I change. I dress in a white spaghetti strap square cut tank, and a pair of short black athletic shorts. I needed to introduce Selena to everyone, and they were going to need to see the damage done.

Especially Jaxon and Victor, they needed to know the extent my blood had gone to, to harm me. So they could act accordingly when confronted with them. They would try and come for the House. That is if the Clan itself doesn’t, their prophecy came to pass, but not in the way it was supposed to. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Ten generations of plans, ruined, because I wouldn’t give them what they wanted. (2

I will never claim the Frost or Northmountains as Clan or family ever again. They have decades of disobeying the Goddesses rule built up, their punishments would be coming. This was just the start. I left my hair in the braids, then barefoot I leave my room to head down stairs. I was hungry, and

figured I’d eat a snack before we have our meeting. As I pass by Darien’s room I can hear him and Serenity going at it hot and heavy, his growls and her cries audible enough through the door.

‘Our mate will come’ says Xena

“He’s going to be here soon” said Selena

“Will he?” I asked them in hope, “How do you know?” I ask them.

‘I feel it in my fur, he knows who we are’ said Xena.

“I felt the mate chain connect to our new mate” said Selena “We know him and have met him before”

“We have? We do? Who? Do you know who?” I ask her.

“No, but you’ll recognize him when we see him” she tells me.

‘We’ll know him by his scent’ Xena reminds me.

Now I feel impatient, how soon was soon. All these couples around me, and here I was alone. But I just had to wait, he would come, they said soon. I just hope soon was in the next few days and not years.

Kassandra’s POV

She reached out, and with a surprising amount of strength for someone so small, gripped my arm in a strong grip, and dragged me behind a grove of trees, in one of the schools many courtyards. Once there, she glares at me with sparking blue eyes rimmed in silver. Her waist length hair started a dark red at the top, half way down it turned black. Her hair was now vibrating with static.


I knew she was mad, I had kept a secret from her, it was probably the twins. Bryce and Daniel couldn’t keep secrets from our cousin, and my best friend. Cerebella, was a Dark Witch. She was not a Black Magic user. Her powers just came from the shadows. Her red lightning and purple flame magic from the shadow realm. That’s why her hair was raising a little, her lightnings static through her hair.

“Why is it, I hear from the twins.” she starts in a musical growl, her voice like tinkling chimes. “That your going on a road trip without me?” 2

Yep, they told her, brats. “I just….I need to get to my sister?” I try to plead.

She holds her finger up, she’s only a month older than me. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)”You are taking me with you.” She says, glaring at me, daring me to protest. I knew better, best friend she may be, but kick my ass she will. “Don’t you dare leave without me!” (1)

I gulp. “Wouldn’t think of it.” I tell her. She relaxes back, a smile lighting up that adorable face. It was heart shaped with a pointy chin, her eyes large almond shapes tilted at the corners like a cat, a small pink full liped mouth. She was exotic, and males tended to want to wrap her up and put her on a shelf. Big mistake, Cerebella was not one to be put on a shelf, she was a spitfire.

“Ok Kass, when do we leave?” she asks me, her tone back to her chiming melody.

“Because someone has to?” she says.


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