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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 62


Chapter 62

King Sebastian’s POV con’d

Alpha Andrew confirmed what he had just said. “Yes, she’s a Clan Alpha now, as of today actually.” he tells us. “I should tell you, Alora has been special to my family for years now.” he says, his tone grim.

His tone didn’t bode well for why he was calling me. “I’m beginning to think I’m not going to like what your about to tell me.” I say to him.

He sighs, it’s troubled “No I don’t think you are, while Alora was special to us, she wasn’t to her so called blood or her original Clan.” he says, pausing a moment “We were not able to stop the abuse they subjected her to.” he says the last with pain in his tone,

I stand frozen, remembering all the silver marks across her Sprites skin. “I saw the scars.” I tell him. , He wasn’t surprised at that.

Instead he told me “Alora told us she’d met you in her ‘space’ last night, that’s why I’m calling, I think as her father….you should see some video recording we were able to get.” he says, his voice is hoarse.

My gut is churning, what was it that he had to show me. “Send them to my email.” I tell him what it is.

“Ok it’s sent.” a pause “You should have your mate with you when you watch,” he says.

My mate looks up at me with determination “She wouldn’t let me watch them without her.” I say.

He chuckles “I want to let you know, that those people, will not be escaping retribution for all they’ve done.” his tone a growl at the end. “This weekend we will establish your official connection to the Pack, this will allow you to travel freely here after.” he says. “This means you won’t have to deal with all the Ceremony that comes with a King visiting our territory.”

That was a relief, and something I hadn’t expected. “Thank you.” I tell him.


He scoffs a little. “I’ll not keep you from Alora, she needs at least one of her blood to treat her with the love and respect she’s always deserved.” then in a firm tone “You need to watch those videos before your visit, you’ll need them to brace yourself for more of her truths.” he says to me. 2

We end our call, and me and my mate sit on the couch. I connect my tablet to the TV above the Fire place, go to my email and open the video’s he sent. My fury grows, they’ll all pay, I’ll rip those sick bastards to pieces. They will know my wrath, for daring to touch my child in such ways. My vision red I sit shaking from my emotions, my mate with her arms around me, a sob passed from her lips. 2

I can feel her internal screaming at what happened to Alora. Her melded form with Selena was beautiful, even with all those marks. But my baby, my child. They had hurt MY child. I get up from the couch, I go out the balcony door, I can’t sit still. I had to do something. I go to the stone gazebo that I’ve been meaning to have torn down, it was a monstrously ugly monolithic structure.


As if to add evidence to how much she hated it, her lightning came down striking at it several times. Causing more stone to break apart in the repeated attacks, her anger quieted a little. The lightning stopped, the sky clearing a bit, but it was still stormy. The wind was raging though, and looking at Kassandra I see why, she has tears streaming from her eyes, her gaze furious.


My mate seeing where my gaze was going turned around, startled when she saw them there. Then opening her arms they all went to her, she wrapped them in her comfort. I wish Alora could have been born to this woman, she would have never known the hurt she had, if my mate had birthed her. Making me appreciate even more that the Goddess blessed me with this woman. She would love Alora, she’ll give her the affection she had always deserved.

I had a feeling though, that my oldest and my boys were not going to stay put, till it was time for me to leave. Kassandra finished her last exam tomorrow. I sigh, my emotions settled for the moment. I walk back up to the balcony. She was eighteen now, technically I didn’t have a way to hold her here. It was her right to see her sister. The boys would just follow if she didn’t take them with her. 2


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