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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Master Brock’s POV con’d

She could very easily defeat him, and he knew it, but they were having fun, neither trying to really defeat the other, they were just happy to have an opponent like them. They were both the same type of Hybrid. The joy I could feel radiate off the battle field was amazing, the smiles on their faces bright. They were each enduring a test of stamina, her, in holding back, him, at keeping up.

They made a magical sight, both had their hair unbound. Their hair, one a midnight black with stars, the other all white, seamed to be alive, moving in either a shadow or light vapor. Selena’s Lunar Princess regalia in place and visible.

Serenity’s POV

Watching my mate break the counter with his fists this morning while feeling his emotional turmoil through our bond, had been heart wrenching. After this mornings debacle, Darien had held on to my hand and had Matt follow us, we had gone back to our room. Once there he had Matt sit, Matt did, I stood by one of the book shelves, watching. My mate paced around for a bit. 2

Finally he spoke “How long ago did Sarah give you that sachet?” he asked him.

“Remember that fight we had, how I said I couldn’t be your friend and Beta if you were friends with Alora?” Matt asked him

Darien nods and said “Yeah, why?”

“It was about a month before that. I had been wanting to break up with Sarah, I hadn’t liked how she treated Alora.” Darien looks at him in surprise, Matt nods then continued “She was complaining how you all were fooled by Alora, that she was just a mistake her mother wasn’t able to abort, despite trying.”

That struck me with horror, that horribly evil bitch tried to kill Alora from the moment she was conceived.

“She gave me the herbs as a gift saying they would ward of evil.” Matt scoffed “Ward of evil my ass, it invited evil.” He said with a growl.

“So this whole time, it’s been Sarah, that’s why it didn’t make sense.” Says Darien

They talk a little while longer, looking at the past, then putting it away. They were rebuilding their connection as Alpha and Beta. That bitch had hurt my mate, I didn’t feel smashing her face in once was enough of a punishment. The lives she had destroyed. There were three others who needed their lives rebuilt as well.

“Matt.” I startled him when I called out his name, he looked at me surprised, I smiled gently. “Can you call the girls and get them over here now?” I ask him he looks confused, so I explained “I think they need to tell Alora their stories, each of those girls has been a prisoner of Sarah’s for years.”


My mate is nodding “Alora will want to know.” He says “I don’t exactly know what she’ll do, but she won’t be cruel or heartless.”

Matt nods then he sends out a mass text to all three, telling them to come to the Pack house. None of them were that far away from here, so it was only thirty minutes later when we were all gathered, in the main common area of the Alpha wing. Matt is talking to the girls, telling them what I had said and that Darien had agreed. The girls agreed to. They looked very different than before, each a beauty without all the gaudy clothes, jewelry and make up.

We all head down to the training arena, because that’s where Alora, Jaxon her new Gamma and my brothers were. The sight we’re met with is pure magic, like something out of a Japanese fantasy movie. The jumping, the flips, turns, sweep, and the clash and sparks of the swords. A beautiful, deadly, magical dance of grace and power. I was confused as to who Selena’s opponent was, before I saw that the only one missing in the line up, was Victor.2

That must be Victors Sprite form. From the smiles on Selena and Victor’s Sprites faces, they were having fun. I went up to Jaxon, he was staring transfixed, so I nudge him. He looks down at me, surprised I was there, confusion on his face a question in his eyes. “What’s the name of Victors Sprite?” I ask him.

“Nicholas.” He said “Why are you here?” he asks. He looks up and sees the others are there. The she wolves had looks of awe on their faces, totally entranced by the fight. Darien was talking to Master Brock, probably telling him why we were here. I turn back to the battle and tell him about everything. He listens as we watch the fight. They’re just playing, I suddenly realize, not just training.



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