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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Alora’s POV

Beatrice and I couldn’t help laughing at the three of them. Master Brock was deliberately annoying Damien and Xander, and vise versa. They were ridiculous, everyone else was laughing too.

Leaving the three to their silly greeting of taunts, I turn to the others. “Let’s spread out and do some warm up exercises and basic drills to start with while those goofs get reunited.” I say to the group, getting some laughs.

I watch and participate in the warm ups and the drills, they were all in excellent condition. Not a mistake among them, we look over to were Master Brock had been making Damien and Xander do the same. 2

I have to stop, watching my mate do all those drills shirtless, all those muscles gleaming in the sun. His scent was stronger right now, and it was a temptation, a song I wanted to answer.

“Goddess, that’s so sexy.” I hear it breathed next to me, I turn my head to look at Beatrice, and she’s staring at her own mate with rapt attention.

Looking back at the two male Werewolves in prime condition I say “I soooo know what you mean.”

“It just makes me want to bite into one of those muscles, see if it tastes as good as it smells.” she says in almost a purr.

The visual of doing that to Damien making my nipples hard and my panties damp as my core heated “And touch, Goddess I want to feel all that power under my finger tips.” I say, my voice husky and growly with arousal.

Beatrice nods and makes another purring growl in her throat “I want to lick every inch of that delicious body.”

The wind changed, blowing past us into the directions of our mates. They suddenly stumble to stops, turning swiftly to face us, I could see lust burning bright in Damien’s eyes. Zane comes forward in Damien’s eyes, a demand for his mate, smelling my need of him. Till Master Brock dumps a bucket of water on our mates. (12

“Holy shit.” Beatrice gasped out.

She, like me, was standing there, shocked, then we laugh at the comical expressions of disbelief on our mates faces, the laughter when Master Brock said “You boys looked like you needed to cool off.” his tone full of wry amusement. I had to sit down I was laughing so hard, then there was the shadow, I look up and there is my mate standing there with his arms crossed, and an eyebrow raised over narrowed eyes.



My giggles turn to squeals as I turn to get off the ground and run away from the water he was shaking out of his hair at me. I dodge behind Darien who let out a “Eww gross stop it!” at his brother, Serenity


is giggling standing away from her mate, laughing at his expense.

Beatrice was Squealing and giggling, Xander had caught her in his arms and was rubbing his shaggy dark blond hair against her neck as she struggled to get away. Her laughter not helping her at all.

Master Brock was standing back arms crossed with a happy yet sad smile. I remembered he had lost his mate within a few months of finding her. A store robbery gone wrong when the armature robbers detonated their own bomb by accident. She had been a great warrior, and had she not been days away from delivering, would have been able to save herself.5

‘Goddess please let this wolf find a second chance, he doesn’t deserve to be alone.’ I voice this wish inside my heart. 13

Victor comes to stand next to me, I look up at him meeting his gaze. He’s smiling looking excited

Sword training?” he askes I smile back and look at Master Brock, he already had the equipment with him.

He brings it over to us, Victor and I meld into our sprite forms, then put the equipment on. When we’re done we walk over to the clear area of the arena. Selena, Xena and I so excited for this. When we get to our spots and face each other we ask “Do you want to use magic this time?”.

He nods, smiling brightly. He releases a black flame with red lightning, we release our purple flame with blue lightning. Coating our swords in our power, we flash together in our beginning blows, swords sparking, our power thunderous as it cracks together. The blow back had the others moving way back from where they had been standing.

‘Oh this is so much fun’ Selena says, Xena and I agree with her.

After this fight we should transform’ says Xena

Our final form was a melding of all three of us. Xena would come forward and add to our form. But how would we look? I wondered. Then Selena shares an image with us. Were taller than this form, but broad, more muscle and width to our form, our breast and bottom staying large and round. I was as tall as Damien, six foot eight.


He looks confused but nods his head. We close our eyes, and allowed our forth form to meld together. When we open our eyes. we are eye level with Damien. He steps back to look at us, his desire never fading, it continued to burn bright as he looked me over. Then he reaches out and drags me to him for a kiss, setting us on fire, oh he was definitely going to love us in this form too. O

He smiles at me, his desire and love for me burning brightly in his eyes “I love all of your forms mate.” his deep voice held a growl. ‘Goddess’ the things that did to me. My panties were utterly ruined. “Our half forms are called Lycans, so what would we call this form, and how would I address you?” he asks me.


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