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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 81


Chapter 81

Damien’s POV

Today had been eventful. This morning at breakfast I introduced my mate status with Alora. I’ve taken on her surname and bonded into her Clan. I bonded with my Beta and his mate was now my Gamma. Then I watched as they were bonded as Clan members to my mate. I had felt how deep these connections were. I got to watch my mate as she transformed into Selena in front of me.

‘Goddess’ she was just as much a temptation in this form as she was in her human form. I had hardened to the point of pain at the sight. Kissing her like that had been an all encompassing desire I was helpless to ignore, even if I had wanted too. And I would have been a stupid wolf indeed not to

answer. My mate needed assurance of my attraction to her, Selena was conscious of the scars marking her skin, but I would lick every inch of those marks, till she forgot everything but the pleasure I could bring her.

Watching her fight with Victors Sprite form Nicholas had been something out of this world. Like something you would find in an Anime or a Japanese cosplay or fantasy action movie. They didn’t just fight with swords, they fought with magic too. Flame and lightning. Her flames were purple and entrancing, laced with blue lightning. She had sent them to coat her swords, as did Nicolas. His flame was black, his lightning red.

When their swords and power came together on that first strike, it caused a back blow of power that had pushed us all back. The scattering of lightning across the ground sent us scrambling even farther back. Master Brock was standing off to the side, smiling like a proud papa. I remember the day I had been assigned to train with him. He had been a shell of a wolf, days away from killing himself with his


He had lost his new mate, and their first pup, at the same time in an awful tragedy. My father had ordered him to train Xander and me, it had gradually brought this wolf back to life, he had a reason to keep going. A duty he felt he was responsible for fulfilling. Darien and Matt would occasionally train with him, but they’d had a different Trainer as their full time Master (2

When I was about to leave for University I had worried I wouldn’t see the Training Master when I got back. Afraid that he would feel his Duty was done and he could finally let himself expire. It was the faint smell of blood and the slightest of limps Alora had one day that gave me the inspiration. I had seen a dying she pup in those eyes. And it had torn me to pieces, it was one of my reasons for refusing to go off to the University at first.

I felt I would lose her for sure if I didn’t do something. So I had put the two people I had feared losing while gone, together. Brining Alora to see Master Brock the day after graduation. My attraction to her already having started by then. My attachment to her was soul deep, I hated the idea of being away from her side, but I had a duty to fulfill for not only my Clan, but my Pack, and all the Packs. 3

I had wanted to make sure I was in a position that would allow me to take her away from the life that was making her want to die, and protect her, provide her with a life she wanted to live instead. She was so smart, extremely intelligent, and I hope our pups got every bit of her brains. I had been young,


and hadn’t had the power to do much, but what I could do, I did.

When Master Brock had looked at her, I knew what he had seen. An abused pup who wanted to give up on life, so when I had asked him to train her, he had immediately agreed. Every time I came back to visit those rare moments, I saw a new life and vitality to those two, they had needed each other. She needed a father figure to make her stronger, to give her a fighting spirit, and he needed a reason to keep living. Alora had provided him that reason.


I had thought ‘Now I can continue to give him more reasons to keep living’. Besides, who better other than Alora and me, was there to train our future pups. With that thought, I had walked to his side. “Don’t think your job is done yet Old Man.” I’d said in a dry tone “I fully expect you to help train any pups Alora and I have.”

He had looked emotional for a moment before he pulled himself together, saying “Who could ever possibly more qualified to train any of Alora’s pup’s.” I had noticed he had deliberately said Alora’s pups, leaving me out of it. I had to growl at him and he had just smiled. He liked to tease me, and I let him, he felt like a beloved Uncle to me, he was best friends with Dad and Boris, so this made sense.



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