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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Damien’s POV

I watched my mate greet her father, and stepmother. I watched as they expressed to Alora the love they already felt for her. My mate had been denied so much, but she would have it now. My conversation with her father had been interesting earlier. I start to think on it now.

“Greetings King Sabastian and Queen Stephanie, I am Alpha Damien Heartsong, the Moon Mountain Pack’s next Alpha, and mate to Clan Alpha Alora Heartsong.” I’d said when they had been shown to the kitchen.

Queen Stephanie had gasped at my introduction, King Sabastian had seemed to straighten more, and they both looked at the mark on my neck, showing that Alora had claimed me. “When did you become my daughters mate.” asked the King.

I clear my throat before saying. “The night before last, I just got back from the Alpha University, I’ve been away for five years.” I tell him.

My brother comes up and stands next to me. “I’m Alpha Darien Moonstar, Alora’s best friend and Damien’s younger brother, I’ll be the Moonstars next Clan Alpha.” he says.

Her father raises his eyebrows at Darien “Best friend?” a hint of amusement in the Kings tone, the Queens eyes smiling and looking us both over.

She narrows her eyes at me “You changed your surname to Alora’s, why?” she asked me.

I clear my throat “Alora is Clan Alpha, I want our pups to carry that Clan name, my Clan name won’t keep me from following in my fathers foot steps as Pack Alpha and Alpha of Alpha’s.” I tell him.

The King had looked at me, studying me “Your the one who pulled Alora out of the mud when she was little,” he says.

His statement brought back the memory, “I fell in love with her from the moment she opened her eyes and looked at me.” I tell him.

He looks at me for a while longer “You treat my daughter right, abuse her, and I will be personally making sure you regret it.” the King says in a firm, and lethal tone. (2

I look him directly in the eyes “Alora is my treasure, has been my treasure in the past, and always will be, in this life and our next.” I tell him truthfully.

He nods at my last words. My father had stood to the side watching the entire exchange with a smirk on his face. He comes forward and holds out his hand “It’s good to see you again Sabastian,” he says in a genuinely happy tone.

“It’s nice to see you again too Andrew, where is your mate?” he asked my father.

“Shopping, getting her hair and nails done with your daughters, Bella, Darien’s mate, Brocks new


mate, and Xander’s mate.” He says with a smile.

Sabastian laughs “A girls day out I take it,” he says.

“Yes, and we have other news regarding your children as well.” my father had said.

“What other news?” asked Stephanie.

“Well I hired Bryce and Daniel to reinforce my training arena, after Alora and her Gamma got through with it. Asher and Nathen submitted their applications for teaching positions at our Pack University. Also, Kass and Bella have found their mates in Alora’s Enforcers.” he tells the couple.

Stephanie gasps, “They found their mates! Who are they?” she asked.

Kian and Galen were shifting back and forth uncomfortably, before coming forward and standing in their view. Sabastian and Stephanie look at the two boys. “What are your names,” asked Sabastian.

“My name is Kian Mountainmover, and I’m Kassandra’s mate.” Kian introduced himself to his father in law, there was a mating mark on his neck, and it was noticed by the King and Queen, as was the one on Galen.

“I’m Galen Mountainmover, I’m Cerebella’s mate.” said Galen.

The King and Queen looked at each other. “Looks like our nest is emptying, our daughter and most of our son’s will be here,” he tells the Queen.

She smiles at him then kisses his cheek. “It was bound to happen sometime my dear.” she tells him. “They need to spread their wings for now, but they will come back.” he smiles at her words. “besides, we’ll be getting grand children now.” her smile bright and cheery,

“Oh I’ve also asked their Aunt Bulma to move here and become our Packs Battle Training Witch.” My father said.

The King and Queens attention snapped to his, the Queen asked, “has she accepted?”


We got everyone to sit down in the dining room for dinner, the food from a nearby restaurant as the kitchen had been taken over by the caterer, and the Kitchen Patio was being set up for the party guests. I watched as my mate got to know her father and stepmother, asking and answering questions. She was glowing with her happiness.

Are you nervous?” I ask her


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