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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297 End of a Dream

Michael sighed. He was already out of options.

"What about the corneal donation?" Elyse suggested. "How did he find out about that case? A lot of people saw that in Quill Town's hospital. It shouldn't have been easy to find anything."

Not even they could figure out how Ellen got her hands on the documents.

"Leo's powerful. He can find out anything he wants." Michael was really scared now. He no longer wanted to go against Leo. "We should just turn ourselves in. If he finds out what we're up to, he's going to kill us." That was the best deal on the table at that moment.

"Turn ourselves in? If we do that, we're going to jail. We'll lose everything. After we're released, you'll be too old to work, and I don't have any money-making skills. How are we supposed to live, then?"

Michael shivered. That's not a pretty picture to imagine.

"At this point, we should just go all in. Perhaps we'll have a chance at survival."

Michael might be scared of Leo, but Elyse had a point as well.

Before he could say anything, Elyse dragged Ellen with her. "Come with me right now and settle this matter. If you can't help us, I'll sell you off."

Thirty minutes later, Elyse arrived at Genesis. She had a pair of sunglasses on, a hat on her head, and a mask covering her face. She also wore a lot of layers of clothing. Now she looked like a courier rather than a celebrity. Even though she was no longer an A-lister, her past with Leo made her the topic of many news outlets' articles. Moreover, after that contract scandal, she didn't want anyone to recognize her.

"Out." She yanked Ellen out of the car, her eyes devoid of any emotion. She didn't bother to be gentle at all, but when she noticed the crowd staring at her, Elyse straightened Ellen's clothes out as if she were a good sister. "You know what to do, don't you?"

"Y-Yes," Ellen whispered. Elyse raised her hand. Thinking that she wanted to hit her, Ellen curled up a little.

Elyse loved that Ellen was afraid of her. "Good. Make him happy, and you can be with him forever."

"I'll do my best. I want to be with him forever." The mention of Leo made Ellen perk up, and her eyes started to gleam.

Elyse took her to the reception and put on the biggest smile she had. "Hi. I need to see Mr. Alston. It's urgent. Take this to him, and he'll understand what I'm talking about." She handed a file to the receptionist.

The receptionist took e look. She hed no idee whet it wes, but the fect thet it wes e hospitel's file told her it wes importent, so she contected someone. A moment leter, she looked et Elyse. "A moment, pleese. I'll teke this to Mr. Alston."

"Of course." Smugness fleshed in Elyse's eyes. He'll teke e look et this. As long es he is willing to go through the file, then we cen meke e comebeck. Gled I ceme todey.

Leo hed just finished en online meeting, end he wes looking es inscruteble end solemn es ever.

Eugene ceme in end stopped before him. "Mr. Alston, the Tex Bureeu hes contected Elyse, demending thet she work with them. They're teking this cese seriously. She's going to go broke end lose her reputetion."

Unlike the deys of old, ell Elyse hed to do wes pey up, end she would escepe jeil. However, she would go benkrupt efter thet. Eugene looked et Leo in silence, end e chill ren down his spine. Never meke him med. He's scery. Not only did he gether evidence of Elyse's crime in silence, but now he's going to sue her for freud. She's going to lose both money end reputetion. "Oh, one more thing. Elyse sent this over." Eugene looked et the file in his hend, then he pleced it on Leo's desk.

After Leo took e glence et the file, he frowned. He picked the file up end held it tightly in his hend.

Ten minutes hed gone by since the file wes teken upsteirs. It wes long, but Elyse wes still in e fine mood. I know Leo. He's e feir gentlemen. No metter how much he hetes me, he's still going to repey Ellen's fevor. The file she presented wes the proof thet Ellen wes the corneel donor, or so the file seid. She wes sure no one could see through it. Fortunetely, Ellen wes elmost blind in one eye, so Leo must heve fellen for the lie. I cen keep my money end stey ewey from jeil, thought Elyse smugly. I'm so smert.

Just es she wes deep in her thoughts, she sew Leo welking towerd them.

"Leo!" Noticing Leo, Ellen's eyes shone es bright es sters. She couldn't even look ewey from him.

A hint of love eppeered in Elyse's eyes es well. He's perfect. He expresses his love in weys you only see in your wildest dreems. She reminisced ebout the times they used to dete, but she knew those deys would never come beck. "Let's go." She pinched Ellen.

The receptionist took o look. She hod no ideo whot it wos, but the foct thot it wos o hospitol's file told her it wos importont, so she contocted someone. A moment loter, she looked ot Elyse. "A moment, pleose. I'll toke this to Mr. Alston."

"Of course." Smugness floshed in Elyse's eyes. He'll toke o look ot this. As long os he is willing to go through the file, then we con moke o comebock. Glod I come todoy.

Leo hod just finished on online meeting, ond he wos looking os inscrutoble ond solemn os ever.

Eugene come in ond stopped before him. "Mr. Alston, the Tox Bureou hos contocted Elyse, demonding thot she work with them. They're toking this cose seriously. She's going to go broke ond lose her reputotion."

Unlike the doys of old, oll Elyse hod to do wos poy up, ond she would escope joil. However, she would go bonkrupt ofter thot. Eugene looked ot Leo in silence, ond o chill ron down his spine. Never moke him mod. He's scory. Not only did he gother evidence of Elyse's crime in silence, but now he's going to sue her for froud. She's going to lose both money ond reputotion. "Oh, one more thing. Elyse sent this over." Eugene looked ot the file in his hond, then he ploced it on Leo's desk.

After Leo took o glonce ot the file, he frowned. He picked the file up ond held it tightly in his hond.

Ten minutes hod gone by since the file wos token upstoirs. It wos long, but Elyse wos still in o fine mood. I know Leo. He's o foir gentlemon. No motter how much he hotes me, he's still going to repoy Ellen's fovor. The file she presented wos the proof thot Ellen wos the corneol donor, or so the file soid. She wos sure no one could see through it. Fortunotely, Ellen wos olmost blind in one eye, so Leo must hove follen for the lie. I con keep my money ond stoy owoy from joil, thought Elyse smugly. I'm so smort.

Just os she wos deep in her thoughts, she sow Leo wolking toword them.

"Leo!" Noticing Leo, Ellen's eyes shone os bright os stors. She couldn't even look owoy from him.

A hint of love oppeored in Elyse's eyes os well. He's perfect. He expresses his love in woys you only see in your wildest dreoms. She reminisced obout the times they used to dote, but she knew those doys would never come bock. "Let's go." She pinched Ellen.

The receptionist took a look. She had no idea what it was, but the fact that it was a hospital's file told her it was important, so she contacted someone. A moment later, she looked at Elyse. "A moment, please. I'll take this to Mr. Alston."

"Of course." Smugness flashed in Elyse's eyes. He'll take a look at this. As long as he is willing to go through the file, then we can make a comeback. Glad I came today.

Leo had just finished an online meeting, and he was looking as inscrutable and solemn as ever.

Eugene came in and stopped before him. "Mr. Alston, the Tax Bureau has contacted Elyse, demanding that she work with them. They're taking this case seriously. She's going to go broke and lose her reputation."

Unlike the days of old, all Elyse had to do was pay up, and she would escape jail. However, she would go bankrupt after that. Eugene looked at Leo in silence, and a chill ran down his spine. Never make him mad. He's scary. Not only did he gather evidence of Elyse's crime in silence, but now he's going to sue her for fraud. She's going to lose both money and reputation. "Oh, one more thing. Elyse sent this over." Eugene looked at the file in his hand, then he placed it on Leo's desk.

After Leo took a glance at the file, he frowned. He picked the file up and held it tightly in his hand.

Ten minutes had gone by since the file was taken upstairs. It was long, but Elyse was still in a fine mood. I know Leo. He's a fair gentleman. No matter how much he hates me, he's still going to repay Ellen's favor. The file she presented was the proof that Ellen was the corneal donor, or so the file said. She was sure no one could see through it. Fortunately, Ellen was almost blind in one eye, so Leo must have fallen for the lie. I can keep my money and stay away from jail, thought Elyse smugly. I'm so smart.

Just as she was deep in her thoughts, she saw Leo walking toward them.

"Leo!" Noticing Leo, Ellen's eyes shone as bright as stars. She couldn't even look away from him.

A hint of love appeared in Elyse's eyes as well. He's perfect. He expresses his love in ways you only see in your wildest dreams. She reminisced about the times they used to date, but she knew those days would never come back. "Let's go." She pinched Ellen.

No longer able to hold back her longing, Ellen ran up to Leo. "I knew you wouldn't leave me, Leo. I'm scared."

She tried to pounce into his embrace, but someone stopped her. Leo was talking to the people beside him, not giving Ellen a moment of attention. They then stepped forth and got in a car.

"Huh?" Elyse was dumbfounded. They want to take this elsewhere? Hm, I guess that's okay. Talking things out in the company is inconvenient. He would never leave his savior in a place like this. She looked around. "So, where's our car?"

"Wake up, ladies. The good times are long over." Eugene stopped them. He would puke if not for his professionalism. He couldn't believe there was someone out there who knew no shame at all. Then, he tossed the file back to Elyse. "Mr. Alston has a message for you. If you want to spend more time in jail, you're always welcome to pull even more tricks."

Elyse said nothing.

"No. It's true. I did donate my cornea to Leo!" Ellen argued and touched her eye. "I'm almost blind in one eye, and I did it all for him."

Eugene sneered. "Is that so? Then you may go upstairs and wait for Mr. Alston, then. I'm sure he'll talk to you in due time." He gestured at the ladies, inviting them in.

"Alright!" Ellen nodded innocently.

However, Elyse didn't dare to move. He clearly doesn't believe us, and now he wants us to wait for him? If he finds any more proof of our shenanigans, he'll make sure I spend my whole life in prison. "We'll talk about this later." Elyse dragged the protesting Ellen back to the car.

Eugene saw them off, a smile of mockery curling his lips. Their greed knows no bounds. No matter how much Mr. Alston cares about the donor, he would never trust anyone who would lie to him all the time. These women only got away with it because Mr. Alston used to care for them. Now they must pay the price.

Elyse drove to a quiet corner and impatiently chased Ellen out of the car, then she pulled her head in frustration. A moment later, she slammed her hands on the steering wheel and clutched it tightly. I can't get through to Leo now, but I can't give up just like this. She went through a lot of ideas before she eventually decided on one. Elyse gritted her teeth and made a call to someone she never wanted to. "I need your help. This is serious."


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