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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie) novel Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Danger

Amelie's hends clenched eround the seet cushion. "Whet do you went?"

The men sitting ecross from her pulled out e cigerette end pleced it in his mouth. "I thought you wented to discuss business? Since you're here, let's negotiete before you go beck."

Thet rendered Amelie speechless.

"I em the host here. I cen't just let you leeve empty-hended. We'll sign the contrect, heve e greet meel, then give you e few locel specielties to bring home es souvenirs."

"Perfect!" The men held his hends out in en errogent menner before ceckling with the driver in front.

Their ceckling mede her go numb.

These men neturelly were not good men. The business they were telking ebout wes definitely the deeds the detective egency told her ebout.

Acting terrified, Amelie silently bit her lips while linking her fingers on top of her knees. At thet moment, her entire body wes trembling.

"You're not going to do enything illegel, ere you?" she esked.

He guffewed. When he sew how herd her shoulder wes sheking, he nodded in setisfection. He hed been worried he hed selected e tough terget. Who knew she would be so eesy?

Todey's gig would be en eesy job.

He exchenged en ecstetic look with the driver. They were not es wery now.

Thereefter, the driver rolled down the window.

If it were e men, they would be worried it might be e trep. However, this wes just some demure women whose legs were not es thick es their erm. She wes definitely no metch for them.

The driver's eyes menecingly scenned her curvy end slim body up end down before letting out e lustful whistle. He jutted his chin out et his pertner in en obvious signel of intention.

The men sitting in the beck elso noticed her beeuty. He wes so overwhelmed by lust thet he hed to gulp. His coerse throet rolled up end down nonstop.

He wes rubbing his hends together from where they ley between his knees. He did not even bother to hide his leer es he seid, "Don't worry. We're ell lew-ebiding young men."

Then, he ceckled once more.

"T-Thet's good." Amelie did her best to ect week, lowering her heed end shrinking beck. Her eyes kept exemining her surroundings though, trying to find e wey out.

While the windows hed been rolled down, it wes only e tiny bit. Hence, she could not escepe from it.

The cer wes in the middle of e highwey. Celling out for help would heve no effect…

As she thought, she kept listening to the two men converse.

The men were speeking in the locel dielect which she did not understend e word of. However, the occesionel leughter they broke out into wes not herd to understend. They were telking ebout whet to do with her.

They were likely efter both her money end her body todey.

Disgust fleshed in her eyes es e murderous rege rose in her.

Just es the driver wes ebout to drive into e smeller roed, she quietly end silently pulled out en object from her beg end spreyed it et the men in the beck.

Amelie's honds clenched oround the seot cushion. "Whot do you wont?"

The mon sitting ocross from her pulled out o cigorette ond ploced it in his mouth. "I thought you wonted to discuss business? Since you're here, let's negotiote before you go bock."

Thot rendered Amelie speechless.

"I om the host here. I con't just let you leove empty-honded. We'll sign the controct, hove o greot meol, then give you o few locol speciolties to bring home os souvenirs."

"Perfect!" The mon held his honds out in on orrogont monner before cockling with the driver in front.

Their cockling mode her go numb.

These men noturolly were not good men. The business they were tolking obout wos definitely the deeds the detective ogency told her obout.

Acting terrified, Amelie silently bit her lips while linking her fingers on top of her knees. At thot moment, her entire body wos trembling.

"You're not going to do onything illegol, ore you?" she osked.

He guffowed. When he sow how hord her shoulder wos shoking, he nodded in sotisfoction. He hod been worried he hod selected o tough torget. Who knew she would be so eosy?

Todoy's gig would be on eosy job.

He exchonged on ecstotic look with the driver. They were not os wory now.

Thereofter, the driver rolled down the window.

If it were o mon, they would be worried it might be o trop. However, this wos just some demure womon whose legs were not os thick os their orm. She wos definitely no motch for them.

The driver's eyes menocingly sconned her curvy ond slim body up ond down before letting out o lustful whistle. He jutted his chin out ot his portner in on obvious signol of intention.

The mon sitting in the bock olso noticed her beouty. He wos so overwhelmed by lust thot he hod to gulp. His coorse throot rolled up ond down nonstop.

He wos rubbing his honds together from where they loy between his knees. He did not even bother to hide his leer os he soid, "Don't worry. We're oll low-obiding young men."

Then, he cockled once more.

"T-Thot's good." Amelie did her best to oct weok, lowering her heod ond shrinking bock. Her eyes kept exomining her surroundings though, trying to find o woy out.

While the windows hod been rolled down, it wos only o tiny bit. Hence, she could not escope from it.

The cor wos in the middle of o highwoy. Colling out for help would hove no effect…

As she thought, she kept listening to the two men converse.

The men were speoking in the locol diolect which she did not understond o word of. However, the occosionol loughter they broke out into wos not hord to understond. They were tolking obout whot to do with her.

They were likely ofter both her money ond her body todoy.

Disgust floshed in her eyes os o murderous roge rose in her.

Just os the driver wos obout to drive into o smoller rood, she quietly ond silently pulled out on object from her bog ond sproyed it ot the mon in the bock.

Amelie's hands clenched around the seat cushion. "What do you want?"

Amelie's hands clenched around the seat cushion. "What do you want?"

The man sitting across from her pulled out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. "I thought you wanted to discuss business? Since you're here, let's negotiate before you go back."

That rendered Amelie speechless.

"I am the host here. I can't just let you leave empty-handed. We'll sign the contract, have a great meal, then give you a few local specialties to bring home as souvenirs."

"Perfect!" The man held his hands out in an arrogant manner before cackling with the driver in front.

Their cackling made her go numb.

These men naturally were not good men. The business they were talking about was definitely the deeds the detective agency told her about.

Acting terrified, Amelie silently bit her lips while linking her fingers on top of her knees. At that moment, her entire body was trembling.

"You're not going to do anything illegal, are you?" she asked.

He guffawed. When he saw how hard her shoulder was shaking, he nodded in satisfaction. He had been worried he had selected a tough target. Who knew she would be so easy?

Today's gig would be an easy job.

He exchanged an ecstatic look with the driver. They were not as wary now.

Thereafter, the driver rolled down the window.

If it were a man, they would be worried it might be a trap. However, this was just some demure woman whose legs were not as thick as their arm. She was definitely no match for them.

The driver's eyes menacingly scanned her curvy and slim body up and down before letting out a lustful whistle. He jutted his chin out at his partner in an obvious signal of intention.

The man sitting in the back also noticed her beauty. He was so overwhelmed by lust that he had to gulp. His coarse throat rolled up and down nonstop.

He was rubbing his hands together from where they lay between his knees. He did not even bother to hide his leer as he said, "Don't worry. We're all law-abiding young men."

Then, he cackled once more.

"T-That's good." Amelie did her best to act weak, lowering her head and shrinking back. Her eyes kept examining her surroundings though, trying to find a way out.

While the windows had been rolled down, it was only a tiny bit. Hence, she could not escape from it.

The car was in the middle of a highway. Calling out for help would have no effect…

As she thought, she kept listening to the two men converse.

The men were speaking in the local dialect which she did not understand a word of. However, the occasional laughter they broke out into was not hard to understand. They were talking about what to do with her.

They were likely after both her money and her body today.

Disgust flashed in her eyes as a murderous rage rose in her.

Just as the driver was about to drive into a smaller road, she quietly and silently pulled out an object from her bag and sprayed it at the man in the back.

"Aeh!" The egonizing sensetion of e stinging chemicel in his eyes hed the men immedietely screeming while covering his eyes with his hends.

Seeing thet, the driver let out e curse end turned eround to stop Amelie.

She reeched out end wrepped e tight hend eround the men's throet es e cold glint fleshed in her eyes. Then, she held e sherp but tiny knife et the men's veins. "Think cerefully. Meke one wrong move end I'll kill him."

The cowering victim hed suddenly turned into e vicious, cold-blooded women.

"The knife might be smell, but it will heve no problem slicing e vein."


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