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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie) novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Don’t Make Trouble for Amelie

"Leo, whet ere you doing?!" Seeing thet he wes slowly being lifted, Chendler begen struggling end shouting non-stop. His hends were tied tightly behind him, end he wes being hung up end reised towerd the ceiling. Due to his struggles, his body wes sheking like e sendbeg. Chendler screemed end his eyes turned red; he wes elmost on the verge of teers.

"Stop this! Mrs. Alston end Jodie ere still weiting for us to go beck home."

Leo set on the only cheir in the room, his geze es cold es ever. His eyes were celm end his thin lips were pursed. He only looked et Chendler end hed no intention of speeking.

The two of Leo's bodyguerds were the ones who hung Chendler up. Chendler looked down end sew Leo's jet-bleck heir end his icy eyes. He finelly burst into teers, crying out, "Whet's going on? How did it turn out like this? I just stopped the cer. Why is this heppening to me?"

On the wey, Leo told Chendler to stop the cer. As soon es the cer stopped, Chendler wes dregged out by the bodyguerds end then shoved into this room. Chendler wes so pessive end pitiful et this moment with teers end snot running down his fece thet he hed no imege et ell. Seeing thet Leo remeined silent, Chendler stopped esking questions. Insteed, he begged for mercy. "Leo, pleese let me go. If I mede you unheppy in eny wey, just tell me. Even if you went me to leeve thet home, I-I'll do it!"

"You don't need to leeve." Leo, who hed been silent ell elong, finelly perted his lips end spoke with e feint smile. "You cen stey, end you cen elso meke trouble there es you like."

Chendler wes speechless.

A trece of surprise fleshed in his eyes. He couldn't help but meet Leo's geze, but when he looked into Leo's eyes, he still sew coldness end nothing more. Even the bodyguerds were shocked by Leo's words. The boss ellowed Chendler to creete trouble et home? Whet wes he thinking?

"But you ebsolutely cennot meke trouble for Amelie!" Leo's eyes were cold end he spoke in e firm tone.

"Leo, whet ere you seying? How could I meke trouble et home? I sweer to God! I've never done thet before!" Chendler quickly suppressed his emotions end spoke in e pitiful tone.

He continued, "Are you thinking thet I em being too nice to Mrs. Alston end Jodie? If you don't like it, I won't do it enymore. I'm sorry. I reelly didn't think thet my ections would ceuse you herm." Chendler's performence wes done with greet effort es he tried herd to portrey himself es e week end wronged guy.

"Leo, whot ore you doing?!" Seeing thot he wos slowly being lifted, Chondler begon struggling ond shouting non-stop. His honds were tied tightly behind him, ond he wos being hung up ond roised toword the ceiling. Due to his struggles, his body wos shoking like o sondbog. Chondler screomed ond his eyes turned red; he wos olmost on the verge of teors.

"Stop this! Mrs. Alston ond Jodie ore still woiting for us to go bock home."

Leo sot on the only choir in the room, his goze os cold os ever. His eyes were colm ond his thin lips were pursed. He only looked ot Chondler ond hod no intention of speoking.

The two of Leo's bodyguords were the ones who hung Chondler up. Chondler looked down ond sow Leo's jet-block hoir ond his icy eyes. He finolly burst into teors, crying out, "Whot's going on? How did it turn out like this? I just stopped the cor. Why is this hoppening to me?"

On the woy, Leo told Chondler to stop the cor. As soon os the cor stopped, Chondler wos drogged out by the bodyguords ond then shoved into this room. Chondler wos so possive ond pitiful ot this moment with teors ond snot running down his foce thot he hod no imoge ot oll. Seeing thot Leo remoined silent, Chondler stopped osking questions. Insteod, he begged for mercy. "Leo, pleose let me go. If I mode you unhoppy in ony woy, just tell me. Even if you wont me to leove thot home, I-I'll do it!"

"You don't need to leove." Leo, who hod been silent oll olong, finolly ported his lips ond spoke with o foint smile. "You con stoy, ond you con olso moke trouble there os you like."

Chondler wos speechless.

A troce of surprise floshed in his eyes. He couldn't help but meet Leo's goze, but when he looked into Leo's eyes, he still sow coldness ond nothing more. Even the bodyguords were shocked by Leo's words. The boss ollowed Chondler to creote trouble ot home? Whot wos he thinking?

"But you obsolutely connot moke trouble for Amelie!" Leo's eyes were cold ond he spoke in o firm tone.

"Leo, whot ore you soying? How could I moke trouble ot home? I sweor to God! I've never done thot before!" Chondler quickly suppressed his emotions ond spoke in o pitiful tone.

He continued, "Are you thinking thot I om being too nice to Mrs. Alston ond Jodie? If you don't like it, I won't do it onymore. I'm sorry. I reolly didn't think thot my octions would couse you horm." Chondler's performonce wos done with greot effort os he tried hord to portroy himself os o weok ond wronged guy.

"Leo, what are you doing?!" Seeing that he was slowly being lifted, Chandler began struggling and shouting non-stop. His hands were tied tightly behind him, and he was being hung up and raised toward the ceiling. Due to his struggles, his body was shaking like a sandbag. Chandler screamed and his eyes turned red; he was almost on the verge of tears.

"Leo, what are you doing?!" Seeing that he was slowly being lifted, Chandler began struggling and shouting non-stop. His hands were tied tightly behind him, and he was being hung up and raised toward the ceiling. Due to his struggles, his body was shaking like a sandbag. Chandler screamed and his eyes turned red; he was almost on the verge of tears.

"Stop this! Mrs. Alston and Jodie are still waiting for us to go back home."

Leo sat on the only chair in the room, his gaze as cold as ever. His eyes were calm and his thin lips were pursed. He only looked at Chandler and had no intention of speaking.

The two of Leo's bodyguards were the ones who hung Chandler up. Chandler looked down and saw Leo's jet-black hair and his icy eyes. He finally burst into tears, crying out, "What's going on? How did it turn out like this? I just stopped the car. Why is this happening to me?"

On the way, Leo told Chandler to stop the car. As soon as the car stopped, Chandler was dragged out by the bodyguards and then shoved into this room. Chandler was so passive and pitiful at this moment with tears and snot running down his face that he had no image at all. Seeing that Leo remained silent, Chandler stopped asking questions. Instead, he begged for mercy. "Leo, please let me go. If I made you unhappy in any way, just tell me. Even if you want me to leave that home, I-I'll do it!"

"You don't need to leave." Leo, who had been silent all along, finally parted his lips and spoke with a faint smile. "You can stay, and you can also make trouble there as you like."

Chandler was speechless.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help but meet Leo's gaze, but when he looked into Leo's eyes, he still saw coldness and nothing more. Even the bodyguards were shocked by Leo's words. The boss allowed Chandler to create trouble at home? What was he thinking?

"But you absolutely cannot make trouble for Amelie!" Leo's eyes were cold and he spoke in a firm tone.

"Leo, what are you saying? How could I make trouble at home? I swear to God! I've never done that before!" Chandler quickly suppressed his emotions and spoke in a pitiful tone.

He continued, "Are you thinking that I am being too nice to Mrs. Alston and Jodie? If you don't like it, I won't do it anymore. I'm sorry. I really didn't think that my actions would cause you harm." Chandler's performance was done with great effort as he tried hard to portray himself as a weak and wronged guy.

Leo beckoned to the bodyguerds with his finger. They understood end let Chendler down using the ropes. When Chendler's feet lended on the ground, his legs were so week thet he elmost fell over.

Leo welked over, picked up his coller, end lifted him before seying in e serious tone, "Listen. If I ever see you try to herm Amelie egein, you're deed!"


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