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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 12

"Rocky! Let him go, Rocky!" I clenched my teeth against the pain, hugging Rocky with all my might. Hearing my voice, Rocky finally let go but still growled lowly at Clyde.

"Clyde, Clyde, you're bleeding." Kayla cradled Clyde with concern.

I could see Clyde’s arm was in blood. Rocky had bitten down hard. As Clyde looked over, Rocky lunged again, but Brenda rushed over to help, barely managing to hold him back.

"Kayla, let's get out of here." Clyde gave me a deep look, wrapped his arm around Kayla, and left.

Once I was sure they were in the elevator, I collapsed on the floor, exhausted. The stitches from my surgery had burst open, staining my shirt red with blood.

Brenda panicked, quickly kneeling to check on me. "Are you okay? Why's there so much blood? I'm calling 911 right now. Don't be scared."

Rocky whimpered, nuzzling me with his head.

I weakly patted him. "It's okay, Rocky. I'll be fine. Don't panic."

Rocky’s big eyes reflected my pale face, and at that moment, I thought I might die.

I got rushed to the hospital, and my doctor hurried back upon hearing about my admission. He was supposed to be off today but returned after learning I was brought in again.

"Melanie, what did I tell you before you left the hospital? You're supposed to have a strong will to live, having survived two surgeries. How could you be so careless?"

A nurse wiped away a tear stealthily, pretending to be angry at me. "If you keep this up, we'll stop caring for you!"

I smiled weakly. The young nurse was as unthreatening as ever. But I nodded in agreement, nonetheless.

After staying in the hospital overnight, getting my wounds stitched up, and receiving antibiotics, I started to feel better. The doctor wanted me to stay for observation, but I had to rush out after receiving a call from the police station.

I was surprised to hear Kayla and my neighbor had gotten into a fight over Rocky.

Rushing to the police station, I found my neighbor with her hair a mess but clutching Rocky's leash tightly. "Nobody's taking my dog. We've got all the paperwork!"

Kayla glared venomously at her. "What good does paperwork do? Murderers have IDs, too, but they still get the death penalty! It is a mad dog. It attacked someone. You need to put it down!"

"Kayla, didn't those slaps teach you a lesson? How to behave?" I pushed her hard when she wasn't looking.


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