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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 156

When Lisa dropped that bombshell, both Clyde and I were taken aback.

Her words lingered in my mind. Although Talbot was a scoundrel, I didn't think he would dare lay a finger on me.

But clearly, Clyde wasn't on the same page. His face had turned a shade darker.

Lisa didn't stick around. Her mood evidently soured as she left.

I, on the other hand, couldn't shake off her warning. It seemed Talbot was indeed desperate for cash.

And as for the trust fund...

I turned to Clyde and said, 'You're pretty slick, you know? You make a good case for yourself."

"That's not what matters," he said, his voice taking on a rare edge of seriousness. "What matters is that you need to be careful."

I looked at him, puzzled. "Why?"

"Because of the trust fund," he said, as if that explained everything.

I was even more confused.

He sighed, "Talbot needs money, and now you've got this trust fund, possibly being managed by Galen Brown. Doesn't that put you in danger?"

"With Galen Brown in the picture, and you directly involved. What's stopping him from getting his hands on the money?"

It took me a moment, but then it clicked.

Right, if I had access to the funds, I could potentially solve a major financial crisis.

After all, the Crawford family was in dire need of cash as several projects needed investment.

But if I were in danger, the money wouldn't end up in Talbot's hands, would it?

"You're my husband, so if anything happened to me, you'd be my primary beneficiary," I pointed out.

No sooner had I spoken than Clyde flicked me on the forehead.

"All this talk of dying, can't you focus on the living?" he chided.

"Apparently, you're my wife. But have you forgotten what you told Lisa?"

Chapter 156 1

Chapter 156 2


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