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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 193

By the time Merritt banged the gavel, it was decided: York and I would exercise Clyde's authority, while Fenton was off to the marketing department to start as an assistant manager.

After everyone had dispersed, Fenton lingered behind.

"Hey Melanie, what's the real deal with Clyde? My mom barely mentioned anything and left it all hanging."

"There's a bunch of neuro specialists over at the medical school next door. I can ask his buddy to hook us up with a consult."

He looked genuinely concerned, showing no signs of any ulterior motives.

Seeing him still dressed in out-of-season clothes, I figured he must've rushed back here.

"Your brother's surgery went well. We just have to wait for him to wake up. We've got specialists on the case too, so no worries."

"Really, no worries?" Out of nowhere, Vinson Russell showed up, sporting a pair of dark under-eye circles.

I was taken aback for a moment when I saw him.

"Dude, have you not slept at all?"

He just waved it off, "Man, with Clyde being the big bro…"

He stopped, sensing the connection between the person beside me and the Patterson family and chose not to continue.

But I got it. During Clyde and my absence, York must've been up to his usual mischief.

Vinson, trying to keep the project on track, must've been butting heads with him daily, hence the lack of sleep.

"How's Clyde doing?"

Vinson glanced towards Clyde in the hospital room, then back at me.

I shook my head, replying, "Everything seems fine, except he won't wake up. Not sure if it's a nerve issue."

The memory of Clyde saving me that day made my heart ache.

Vinson opened his mouth to say something but ended up just offering a few words of comfort.

Fenton, tactfully realizing we had more to discuss, excused himself first.

Vinson, deep in thought, asked, "A Patterson?"

"Yeah, Eaton's son. How could you tell?"

Chapter 193 1

Chapter 193 2


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