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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 225

During my recovery, it felt like the whole office decided to drop by. Some were genuinely concerned about my health, others just wanted to show their face, and then there were the gossip mongers, hungry for some juicy details.

Eventually, Warren had enough. With a stern look that could freeze fire, he shooed everyone away.

"Listen up! The patient's in a fragile state. If any of you stress her out to the point of no return, don't think the hospital's taking the blame. Who's ready for a jail tour?" His words were like a cold shower, effectively scattering those who were only there for the gossip.

I couldn't help but give him a look. "Really? Wishing me dead now, are you?"

"Would you rather be stressed to death?" He shot back, rolling his eyes before storming out of the room.

With the room now to myself, I found some peace, though the outside world still crept in through the news on my phone.

Clyde was topping the charts as the ultimate jerk.

Even though Rachel went to the press with a video of Clyde denying his own child, it barely caused a ripple.

He's a known liar, who would believe anything he says?

And then there was me, somehow looking pitiful yet photogenic in a shot taken during that press conference, lying on the ground. The image was strangely aesthetic. People said I looked "shattered," but little did they know, I had been in pieces for a while.

Sympathy was the general sentiment online, with very few defending Clyde.

On occasion, someone would pity Clyde for marrying someone he didn't love, only to be quickly silenced by the masses.

Chapter 225 1

Chapter 225 2

Chapter 225 3


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