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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 23

Ever since that day, my relationship with Clyde had gone south.

He stopped coming home, and I stopped asking where he was. Even at work, we acted like strangers.

I was relishing the newfound freedom. Life without him was significantly lighter. Kayla also stopped her provocations, though she always sported a smug look whenever our paths crossed.

‘Just another jerk,’ I thought. If it hadn’t been Kayla, it would’ve been someone else.

After all, the world was all lookalikes. Finding another Clyde wouldn’t be hard. But I had bigger fish to fry than to dwell on their soap opera, especially since I was about to start my treatments.

With Clyde’s approval, the finance department promptly processed my bonus. Armed with the cash, I felt empowered and splurged on some health supplements.

After scheduling with my doctor, I took some time off work.

Jade, always looking out for me, took off to keep me company too.

“The first session might hit you with heavy side effects. You might want to stay overnight for observation,” The doctor cautioned as he administered the treatment.

I noted his advice, watching the medicine trickle into my bloodstream, feeling a sense of life getting injected back into me.

"Ms. Crawford, looking good. That’s a positive sign," he encouraged. "But you need to up your intake. Your body will burn through more, so make sure to replenish."

Jade nodded along, having gifted me two boxes of gourmet protein bars, pretending they were from someone else. But she forgot the receipt underneath.

Sitting beside me, she turned into a mother hen, chattering away. "Back in college, all you cared about was staying slim. Now, you better eat up. I’m taking you out for a hearty meal once a week, and if you lose any weight, I’m docking your pay."

I rested my head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth and comfort, my heart filling with gratitude.

The side effects hit hard on me, like dizziness, nausea, and a parched mouth. My doctor said these were all common and told me to make sure I got plenty of rest.

Jade wanted me to crash at her place, but as we were about to leave, Jake called.

"Melanie, as the CEO’s wife, shouldn’t you keep your word?" he chided. "You promised us the next project. Why the sudden cold shoulder?"

Jake’s words puzzled me. I had discussed collaborating with his company with Clyde, who had agreed. Why the change of plans?


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