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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 71

Eliana did indeed show up at Patterson Group the very next day, insisting that I be the one to handle her project, or she would walk away from the collaboration.

I convened a meeting immediately, bringing Jade along to the conference room.

Eliana's mood seemed to brighten a bit at the sight of us, but then she quickly grew frustrated again.

"Melanie, that Kayla, can you handle her already?"

"She's just so annoying. Can't Clyde see through her? Is he blind?"

That's when I learned that Kayla had tried to suck up to Eliana and ended up getting a tongue-lashing for her efforts.

But to my surprise, Kayla cried and then turned around to blame Eliana.

"Is Clyde out of his mind? Why did I ever fall for him? Was I blind?"

"Really? Why did you fall for him back then?"

"Because he was really something back in the day, and pretty handsome to boot."

I replied without much emotion.

Eliana was taken aback by my response, mainly because I was stating the obvious.

Back then, Clyde was always a source of positivity, lighting up every room he entered with his energy. But now...

I pulled out some files, "Jade will be in charge this time, with me assisting on the design side."

Eliana looked like she wanted to say something, but after glancing at Jade, she held her tongue.

I explained, "Eliana, it's not that I'm shirking. I didn't mention it at dinner yesterday, but I've had a major setback with a project I'm collaborating on with Vinson. The data got deleted, and I'm really stretched thin."

Besides, I was planning on leaving eventually. It was time for Jade to stand on her own two feet.

Eliana didn't make things difficult for us. The meeting went smoothly, and we ended up signing the contract.

Back in my office, I started investigating the data deletion incident.

The Design Department's computers were infected with a virus, which had spread from my computer through the internal network.

Since my computer contained the most critical files, the loss was significant.

But what couldn't wait was the case with Aspire World.

I headed to the security department first, wanting to check the surveillance footage.

The person there looked uneasy, "Ms. Crawford, I'm sorry, but there was a system upgrade, and a lot of the footage got deleted."

"An upgrade? Why upgrade overnight?"

I already had my suspicions.

As expected, I was told that Kayla had come by with some people, claiming it was Clyde's request.


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