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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 74

Clyde looked like he was on the verge of boiling over, suppressing something fierce.

I pulled my hand away and rubbed my wrist.

"Quit the drama, you know what's up with Mack. The Aspire World project can't be delayed."

"If you don't wanna do overtime, you're welcome to cover the Aspire World compensation yourself."

I was sure, despite his frustration, he wouldn't jeopardize the work.

After all, we're talking about a compensation that could skyrocket to millions. No company would want to fork out that kind of money unless absolutely necessary.

As expected, he didn’t push further, just mumbled under his breath.

"You could move to the Patterson Group offices, you know. Aren’t those fancy offices big enough for you?"

"I'm just worried about screwing up, okay? Is my hard work worth nothing, only to be trashed again?"

I stared him down, already set on digging to the bottom of this matter. Otherwise, Jade would keep facing obstacles at the company.

"What do you mean? Mack got caught, didn't he?"

Clyde seemed lost, so I shook my head.

"Mack is just a fall guy. I don’t know why he took the blame, but it wasn’t just because he hated me."

"That night, Kayla went to the security department pretending to be you, then deleted all the footage during a so-called system upgrade. So, no clue who got into the office."

"But I’m sure, Mack was plastered. With that level of booze in him, not just him, even a bull would've hit the floor."

"And all those designs Kayla bought were under Mack's name, so she’s my prime suspect."

I wanted to bring this up at the police station today, but Kayla interrupted.

Guess she’s not dumb, probably made sure the security was on her side. But Clyde’s still the boss, they might not all listen to her.

I figured Clyde was savvy enough to look into it.

After all, this concerns the Patterson Group's reputation. If word gets out, who’d want to work with us?

But Clyde immediately denied it, "No, she was with me that night, at..."

He caught himself, realizing he was about to say too much.

I knew the drill. What else do a man and a woman do together late at night? Playing poker?

Seeming to sense my irritation, he tried to clarify, "Kayla couldn’t have gone to the Design Department that day, also she..."

"It's fine. You trust her, I'll do my own digging."

This was somewhat expected, and I wasn't too disappointed.

I just wanted to clear the air, and clear my name.

If things go south, I won’t be taking the fall.

Clyde tried to approach, but I stood up.


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