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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 79

The dust had settled on the construction site for now, so I wasn't needed there. My top priority was to stay by Clyde's side at the hospital.

But I never expected York to show up out of the blue.

“What’s going on here? It was just a minor hiccup. How could Clyde even think of giving up on life?” he asked, bewildered.

“How do you know he tried to give up and wasn’t, say, poisoned?” I squinted at him, sensing something off.

York had come prepared, ready to pin blame, a clear sign of trouble.

Soon after, Laird and Lucia hurried in, both quick to point fingers at me.

“Please leave. Clyde needs his rest. Do you not want him to wake up?” I stood, gesturing towards the door, knowing well that my slight frame wouldn’t stop them. But we were in a hospital; eyes were everywhere, and the staff moved in and out of the room, ensuring they couldn’t overstep.

York looked at me, pain evident in his eyes. “Melanie, I know you’re hurting, but with the Patterson Group in chaos, we can’t be leaderless.”

“And what do you propose? You wanna be the leader?” I met his gaze, catching a flash of malice he couldn’t hide.

Things had escalated, and it seemed they were done pretending.

Over the years, York had been expanding his influence, constantly vying for projects with Clyde. Despite his attempts to join the Patterson Group’s management, Merritt had always refused.

Merritt believed in keeping the business out of purely family hands, especially since Clyde and I hadn’t had children yet. He felt uneasy, knowing well that money could turn brothers into enemies.

Merritt’s foresight was proving true; Clyde’s incident had barely occurred before these vultures swooped in.

Lucia stepped forward, glaring. “If it wasn’t for marrying you, would the Patterson Group have faced such turmoil?”

“With Clyde down, do you really think you can take over the Patterson Group? You’re not even a Patterson by blood!”

Laird chimed in, equally furious, “Exactly, you’re an outsider.”

“But I’m his lawful wife, am I not?” I replied calmly. “Regardless of my last name, I’m his spouse, his legal guardian, and co-owner of our shared assets.”

“As long as Clyde is alive, even in a coma, you have no right to step into the Patterson Group’s management, do you?”

Once the fox’s tail is revealed, it’s not so easily hidden again.

As Laird advanced, Merritt entered, leaning on his cane, silencing the room.

“What’s all this commotion? The doctors said Clyde would wake soon. What are you doing here?”


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