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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 82

Even though I was confined to a hospital room without access to my phone, I could still piece together that the Patterson Group was embroiled in a major scandal.

Mr. Patterson was in a coma, there had been a fatal accident at the construction site, and Mrs. Patterson was accused of murder...

Any one of these headlines would be enough to send social media into a frenzy.

My hospital room was under constant police surveillance, which meant that if I was proven guilty of murder, I'd be treated as a high-risk criminal.

When Jade and the lawyer came to visit, they brought more bad news.

"York's wielding a power of attorney signed by Clyde, claiming he's now the acting CEO. He's taken control of everything."

"With Clyde out cold and you in this mess, what are we going to do? He's already meddling with HR."

"I argued with him, but he just threw it in my face that you're a murderer. He said the Patterson family would disinherit you, cutting all ties. The nerve of that guy!"

Her anger was palpable; clearly, she'd been through a lot these past few days.

And all this seemed to confirm my suspicions.

York had always played the role of the benevolent older brother, but now, with his brother barely cold, he was seizing power. And everything was falling into place too smoothly for it to be a coincidence.

Especially when I heard that York had signed off on several projects in the Design Department, holding all the documents, my suspicions deepened.

"It's impossible. The old guard in departments one and two wouldn't defect in uncertain times."

I knew my team well. Without any real influence, York wouldn't be able to win them over.

Jade looked disheartened as she said, "But he's got control over the key projects' designs and even changed the system passwords. I can't access anything."

This alarmed me. These projects were crucial for the Patterson Group's strategy for the next five years.

York had only been with the company for a few days and had already zeroed in on its lifeline, taking control of all designs. He must have planted a mole.

But Mack had already been exposed. Who else could it be?

Paul's face flashed before my eyes, but without solid evidence, I could only warn Jade to watch out for him.

As visiting hours ended, Jade looked at me with teary eyes.

"Melanie, you need to take care of yourself. Take the meds like the docs say and don't be scared of chemo. If something happens to you, we're screwed."

I nodded silently, a sudden idea striking me.

If something happened to me, at worst, my shares would be divided, but what if Clyde was in danger?

"Jade, have Vinson find someone to keep an eye on Clyde. Make sure no one takes advantage of his condition. And go see Merritt, explain the situation at the company."

She nodded, not fully grasping my plan.


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