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When Love Becomes a Cage (Melanie) novel Chapter 85

Paul was gasping for air, panic clearly etched into his features.

“No, it wasn’t me, it was all a misunderstanding, I swear!”

I looked at him and sighed softly.

"Paul, with the experience you got, you could bag a director's job somewhere else with no sweat. We’ve been colleagues. I know you’re not the mastermind behind this. Why ruin your life over someone else’s scheme?”

Jade was beside me, signaling frantically. I knew she wanted to call the cops, but I shook my head. Calling the police now would make it harder to uncover the truth and might even tip off the real culprit.

I needed to get more information first. If York was indeed behind this, I needed solid evidence.

Paul squinted, pondering for a moment, then turned his gaze to me.

“Melanie, you're Mrs. Patterson. Can you promise not to call the police?”

“What do you think?” I wasn’t about to make any promises to scum like him.

Defeated, he slumped to the ground.

“I’ll confess. Kayla put me up to this. She said if I could bring you down, she’d become Mrs. Patterson, and I’d be the director of the Design Department. She bought some design drafts to use under my name. I refused, so Mack took the fall.”

“It was you who released the virus and attacked me, wasn’t it?”

I watched him without any expression, and he nodded miserably.

“Yes, I was confused. I have evidence of Mack taking money, and after I threatened him a bit, he confessed. But there’s someone behind Kayla, I’ve heard her receiving strategies over the phone.”

My interest piqued. So, there was someone behind Kayla.

“Who was it? Was it York?”

Paul shook his head. “She said the Patterson Group would eventually belong to that person. I don’t know who.”

The trail seemed to go cold, yet it felt like we were on to something.

The Patterson lineage now only had Clyde. If the Patterson Group was to belong to someone else, who could that be?

Jade frowned, sitting beside me, equally puzzled.

Paul looked up at me, his eyes begging.

“Mrs. Patterson, for old times’ sake, please let me go. Please don’t call the police. Just consider me a bad fart you let out; I swear I won’t do anything like this again!”

“One last question, why did you trust Kayla so much? You know Clyde had his fair share of women.”

Indeed, Clyde had been involved with numerous women. Since our marriage, I had seen no less than twenty.

And that didn’t even include the young stars and models he never brought home. How could Paul trust Kayla?


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