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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Dr. Linnard glanced at the surly expression on Ashton’s face before turning back to me and nodding. Not sure what else to say, she agreed, “Sure!”

I called the waiter over and had him wrap up the desserts for me.

Feeling annoyed at how Ashton was looming over me, I stood up and told Dr. Linnard, “I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

All she could do was nod awkwardly.

The weather was a bit hot so I moved to take cover under the shade of a large tree. Ashton had followed me out with Rebecca close on his heels.

I instantly took in the way Rebecca looked like she was about to cry.

“Why did you have to reject my mother’s suggestion? She’s right, you know. Are you going to waste the rest of your life on a child?” she cried out in a teary voice.

Ashton ignored her as he headed in my direction. Coming to a stop before me, he practically ordered, “C’mon, get in the car!

“You can leave first if you’re busy. I’ll wait for Dr. Linnard!” Then, I shot Rebecca a pointed look and smiled thinly. “Besides, it looks like the two of you still haven’t finished talking yet. So please, do continue!

“Scarlett!” he snapped in annoyance. “We can talk when we get back home.”

My expression was serious as I nodded. “That’s true. Whatever we have to say can be said back at home while we’re lying on our bed comfortably. We have all the time in the world, after all. That’s why I’m telling you to talk to Ms. Larson here now.”

“Scarlett, you!” Rebecca’s face flushed in anger, “You’re absolutely shameless!”

I stared at her in bewilderment. “Ms. Larson, in what way am I shameless? Ashton and I are married. Naturally, that means whatever we have to say to each other can be said at home. What are you acting all innocent for? You’re about to be a mother yourself. I’m pretty sure you’ve already had sex countless times. Is there really any need to act all prudish like this?”

The redness on Rebecca’s face spread all the way down to her neck. Feeling both humiliated and infuriated, she glared at me. “Scarlett Stovall, you-”

“That’s enough!” Ashton scowled heavily and turned to Rebecca. “I’ll have Joseph send you back.”

With that said, he tugged me away.

“Ashton Fuller, let me go! Didn’t you see how Rebecca was close to tears? Don’t you know that you’re supposed to treat a woman gently?” I berated Ashton. Rebecca was still standing at the same spot, her eyes red and growing misty.

He stopped walking abruptly, the movement was so sudden that I was unable to stop in time. I crashed into his hard chest and pain shot through me. I hissed as my nose started throbbing.

I lifted my head to glare at him. “Couldn’t you have warned me that you were going to stop?”

He sneered and replied, “I don’t know how to treat a woman gently; you said so yourself.”


“And you only proved how true my statement was! All you know how to do is spread your seed around. Everything else is probably too hard for your simple mind to understand,” I was still mad at him so my tone was harsh and unforgiving. “Sorry to have ruined your wonderful date with Rebecca, even though it was purely a coincidence that I bumped into you guys at the cafe. However, to use such a tasteless method to get revenge is petty and humiliating even for you.”

Etcuse me? Is he seriously calling meheavily pregnant womanfatHow the f*** is that even fair


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