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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193

I pulled out the silver thing, revealing it to be a silver flying fish necklace.

“Is something that only costs a hundred or so worthy of you to dig through the trash?” Ashton’s icy voice reached my ears.

I completely ignored him and focused on using a tissue to wipe away the cream on the necklace. His guess was spot on. The necklace was indeed not very expensive.

Back when I was fourteen years old, I was at the age where appearances were starting to matter. This was a sentiment that most girls in my class shared. Though our grasp of what construed as beauty was still shaky, a lot of them still tried to imitate the older women in their lives. It became a trend to accessorize themselves with necklaces or bracelets.

In truth, these accessories could be rather cheap. Some were maybe over ten or so, while others were a little pricier. At the time, an accessory that cost ten was already considered quite expensive to me.

Despite how much I wanted to wear such pretty things as well, I refused to ask Grandma for money to buy them. In the end, I went behind her back to work for one of our cafeteria staff. I would help him move and carry stuff, and in return, he would pay me five each time. I continued working for him for a month before an accident happened and I injured my leg. Worried that Grandma would find out, I stopped helping out.

My one month of effort led to me saving up close to two hundred. I spent a hundred buying this flying fish necklace made of pure silver while I used the leftover money to buy a belt for John and a thimble for Grandma.

Since it was my first time wearing something so expensive, I lost the necklace within a few days.

That caused me to feel I was not suited for wearing such extravagant items. To this day, I still do not wear accessories because I subconsciously feel like I am not worthy enough to do so.

I never expected that this necklace would ever be found, especially not after so many years. To say that I was delighted would be an understatementIf John actually returned this necklace to mewonder..

At that thought, I looked at the scowling Ashton. “Where’s the outer box for the


He frowned at my question, his displeasure evident. “In the garbage bin!”

I disregarded his unhappy expression and searched through all the garbage bins in the villa. Finally, I spotted the box in the kitchen garbage bin.

I crouched down to rummage through it when Ashton seized my wrist. “You really care so much for what he gives you?”

Prying his fingers from my wrist, I couldn’t be bothered to explain to him. All I said was, “It’s not what you think.”

I finally managed to dig out the outer box and opened it. As I thought, a well-kept belt was inside there. Since he had given me the belt and the necklace, it made sense that Grandma’s thimble would be here as well.

I continued to search the box but it was empty, I even went as far as to tip it upside down.

Straightening from my crouch, I went back to the cakes by the door. Fed up by that point, Ashton shoved me down on the couch. “Scarlett, that’s enough!”

This man is just ridiculousInfuriated at his actions, I shoved him away from me. “Ashton, these items might be trash in your eyes, but they’re incredibly precious to me!”


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