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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27

As the lady left. Ashton walked over to the chair next to them and sat down, his eyes looking blank. “Why hasn’t the food arrived?”

Devon needs some time to prepare,” answered Jared before turning to me. “Are you hungry?”

After a quick pause, I shook my head,

Joe wasn’t impressed by how Jared treated me. “Why are you acting so fragile? It’s just an abortion, for God’s sake. Why did we have to go out of our way to get a world-renowned chef like Devon to cook for you? What a waste of his time.”

Before Jared could stop him, I merely smiled. “The view here isn’t bad. I’ll go take a walk.”

My words were meant for Ashton and Jared.

Ashton gave me a cool glance and said nothing. “The courtyard looks stunning. Go take a look,” Jared suggested. “There’s also a bonsai garden with a lake full of fish in the middle.”

With a smile and word of thanks, I headed outside.

“Are you insane, Jared? Why are you caring so much about that woman? Have you lost your mind? If she hadn’t married Ashion through underhanded means, Rebecca and Ashton would’ve long been happily married by now.”

Those words clearly came from Joe. I couldn’t help but hear them even if I didn’t want to. From how loudly he spoke, pretty much everyone in the building could hear him.

Not wanting to hear them anymore, I picked up my pace. It was indeed a different sight as I arrived in the courtyard.

Considering how this huge courtyard was located in the heart of a glamorous place like J City and even had an enormous plot of land for planting an array of greenery, there was no doubt that the owner of this restaurant was filthy rich.

As I strolled along the pebble path, I spotted a man in his mid-thirties plucking some branches with a child next to him.

Upon walking closer, the man nouced me too. “Hello,” he greeted, dropping whatever he was doing

I returned a smile. “Hi.”

The child, who seemed to have just learned how to walk, began trolling over to me. He seems to be quite friendly,

Unable to speak, the little boy stared at me wide-eyed and gave me the yellow flower he was holding

I was instantly overjoyed and couldn’t help but want to pick him up, only to be stopped by the man. “Be careful! He’s a playful one. I don’t want you getting hurt while you’re pregnant.”

I stared at the man in disbelief. “How…” How did you know I was pregnant?

The question never left my mouth.

Still, the man responded, “Don’t be surprised. I know a little about medicine and could guess that you’re pregnant from the way you subconsciously held your belly while walking.”


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