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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The man’s face instantly darkened, and his eyes turned frosty. Evidently, he was mad.

“Can I help you, Mr. Fuller?” I didn’t feel like I was Ashton’s wife at all here, but rather, an outsider.

The more I felt this way, the more upset I became.

Even the way I gazed at Ashton was full of defiance.

“Apologize.” His tone was completely commanding.

My brows creased as rage consumed me. “Have you lost it, Ashton? Why the hell should I apologize?”

“You pushed her,” he replied grimly in his deep voice.

I pushed her? I laughed in anger. “You should get your eyes checked, Ashton!”

“Scarlett Stovall!” The man immediately addressed me by my full name. “Apologize to her now.”

“And if I don’t?” Suppressing my anger, I glared at him, unafraid of his glacier eyes.

With a frown and purse of his lips, a chilly air engulfed our surroundings. “Macy’s bar seems to be doing a little too well these days, huh?”

I was instantly terrified. How could this man resort to such lowly methods just to get me to apologize to Rebecca?

I looked up at the man

‘s face. His lips remained pursed, and he had a bit of stubble, making him look unruly yet alluring at the same time.

But at this very moment, I couldn’t admire that face of his at all. My heart growing cold, I stilled for a moment before speaking. “Fine. I’ll apologize.”

Breaking free of his grasp, I walked over to Rebecca. Suppressing all the wrath I felt, I gazed at her, “I’m sorry.”

Rebecca looked incredibly helpless as though I had actually bullied her.

Meanwhile, Joe obviously had nothing better to do than to stir things up. “So you think you just have to apologize after hiuing someone? In that case, I’ll kill a guy and say sorry, and everything will be fine. Who needs the law, righi?” he remarked with a look of disdain.

Holy shot

Once again, I resisted the urge to cuss him out. “What else do you want from me?” I turned to him and asked frostily.

He crossed his arms i liter-of-fact way. “We buddies have a rule-whoever messes up has to apologize sincerely and mold a drinking session for everyone. When we’re happy, you’ll be forgiven.”

You dipsh*t!How is THAT a way to apologize?

“Knock it off, Joe.” Jared, who had been watching the whole time, furrowed his brows.

Joe didn’t bother looking at him and glanced at Ashton instead. “What do you think, Ashton?”


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