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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and my muffled sobs gradually turned into piercing wails of anguish. I couldn’t care less about how Ashton felt at that moment.

He stopped in the end, softening his tone to soothe me. However, the more he comforted me, the louder I cried

In the end, he stopped talking and just held me in his arms since neither gentle coaxing nor harsh threats worked on me.

Once the waterworks started, it was close to impossible to stop it. He was left with no choice but to embrace me and let me cry it all out.

After a long while, I had finally cried myself hoarse. With my tears all dried up now, I started to quiet down.

“Are you done crying?” he asked in a low and hoarse voice.

I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him now. My eyes were so swollen that I could barely open them.

“Four years ago, I brought Grandpa to the southwest border to meet his old comrade-in-arms. On the road, we ran into a group of outlaws.” As he hugged me and spoke, I could hear the melancholy and sorrow in his voice, surprising me quite a bit.


I didn’t know where he was going with this, so I remained silent and allowed him to hug me while I listened to him. “The border was poor and supplies were scarce there. At that time, several border countries were at war with each other. Those outlaws sought asylum and broke into the home of Grandpa’s comrade, trying to threaten us into taking them in. The situation was urgent then. Undocumented individuals were not allowed to sneak into the country. Grandpa was a veteran who guarded the country for decades and would never violate the laws, so he immediately declared that he wouldn’t comply. They were outlaws, so when Grandpa disagreed, they were going to kill him. Grandpa’s comrade died to protect us.”

When he suddenly stopped speaking, I looked up at him and asked curiously, “Then what happened?” My voice was severely hoarse from all the crying just now.

Seeing me take the initiative to ask him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly and he dropped a kiss on my forehead.

With that, he continued, “Then, Grandpa and I fled all the way back into the country. We were running for our lives, so we looked the worse for wear. Halfway, we met a pair of siblings, a boy and a girl. They traveled from D City to abroad for business. Grandpa and I had basically lost all our money and identification documents while we were on the run, so we could only borrow money from the brother and sister for our return back home, but we never expected the outlaws to follow us all the way there, so we ended up dragging the pair of siblings into our mess…”

By then, I had already made a few guesses of my own

I looked at him and asked, “The pair of siblings were Rebecca and her brother?”

He nodded. “Parker sustained a heart injury, so I took him back here to recuperate. He could be cured, but something happened later on. Before he died, he entrusted me to take care of Rebecca.”


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