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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

It took me by surprise as I thought he was going to kiss me.

Instinctively, I shrank back and stammered, “Ashton, there are people outside »

Far from what I imagined, he took the seatbelt from the other side and strapped me in. He smirked at me with his eyes gleaming. “What were you thinking?”

I...misunderstood the situation

I did not expect him to be reaching for my seatbelt.

I forced a smile before turning my head to look outside the window.

Unexpectedly, I felt a warm touch on my fingertips, and the warmth started spreading through my body. Surprised, I look down to see Ashton holding my fingertips with one hand while driving with another.

Sensing my gaze, he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. “Apart from pork, grilled fish and noodles, is there anything else you want to eat?”

My heart raced. It was rare to share such warm and peaceful moments with him. As my face started to flush, I could only think about the warmth that lingered on my

fingertips after he kissed them.

I retracted my hand and voiced out, “I can eat anything!” Any food would sound good to me at this point.

His deep laughter sounded through the car. Anyone could tell that Ashton was in a good mood today.

When we arrived back at the villa, Ashton opened the door and helped me out of the car before I could even open the door for myself.

“I can walk on my own!” I was not that delicate that I had to be carried in and out of the car.

“Come here!” He demanded. Domineeringly, he picked me up and headed into the villa.

He placed me on the sofa in the living room, then took out the medicine he brought back from the hospital. After taking a closer look at the bottles, he divided them and

handed me a few black pills. He ordered, “Eat them!”

Unwilling to eat them, I frowned.

In response to my reaction, he went to the kitchen and emerged with a white…rock candy.

“After you take your medicine, you can eat this, and it would not be bitter anymore.”

I... Of course...sometimes men can be dumb. These pills weren‘t even that bitter, so why would I have to eat it with rock candy

Taking the black pills in his hands, I plopped them into my mouth. After I gulped the water to swallow them, I returned to the bedroom.

If I stayed with Ashton any longer, I was worried that I would be clingy towards him.

At first, I tossed and turned when I was in bed. Yet, I unknowingly fell asleep.

Perhaps because I slept like a dead log, I did not realize that Ashton joined me in bed.

The next day, I only woke up when it was way past noon.



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