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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 

Jared paused for a moment before replying, “Mm, you must’ve exerted yourself for the first two months. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you. Remember to take them and rest well.”

I mumbled in reply and sprawled on the table unhappily. “If I knew being pregnant is this exhausting, I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place!”

He chuckled. “What nonsense are you talking about? I’ll join you on your business trip in a few days. I can take care of you.”

Stunned, I asked shyly, “You’re coming along just for me? Or..”

“That’s not it. I have something on, too.”

“Okay. I’ll contact you then!” I replied, feeling reassured. Jared was a great friend, attentive and thorough.

After hanging up, I remained sprawling on the table, utterly drained out. I was two months pregnant by now.

I thought I’d get a divorce and leave J City after handing off my work. Alas, life was unexpected. What should I do now?

If Ashton liked our baby, I could stay. I’ve already endured Rebecca’s existence for two years. With my child, things couldn’t get any worse, right?

Compared to my child not having a father, my worries paled in comparison.

For the next few days, it kept raining buckets. Some areas in J City would be flooded during the rainy season. The company was kind enough to let us get off work earlier than usual.

I knew Ashton would be spending his time with Rebecca as she was afraid of thunder. I didn’t return to the villa and remained at Glenwood Apartments with Macy.

Macy had stopped going to her bar because of the drug incident. She started throwing herself into cooking at home. I was glad to spend more time with her.

After I thought it through, I stopped clinging to the hope that Ashton would drop by and visit me. However, I’d stare blankly into space sometimes.

Sometimes, my limbs would go numb if I sat for too long. Jared gave me plenty of medicine and reminded me to take them on time, but I’d forget about them. Macy had to remind me every time.

After a week of torrential rain, it finally cleared up. The sun started showing itself in J City.

The audit process of Fuller Corporation had begun, and I was busy with HiTech. Macy, on the other hand, told me she wanted to travel alone for a few days.

I knew she was frustrated over being wrongly accused of possessing drugs. If Clinton hadn’t helped get her out of jail, she would be serving her sentence by now.


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