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When There Is Nothing Left But Love novel (Ashton and Scarlett ) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

The moment he spoke, he seemed to have remembered something as he nodded and snapped his fingers, “Oh, I nearly forgot! He should be in Rebecca’s ward now caring for his beloved woman instead. I doubt he has time to pay any attention to you!”

Having said that, he leaned closer, his tobacco-filled breath made me even more disgruntled and I spat, “Hey, John. If I die, will I be finally liberated?”

His face turned grim, “You can try.”

How could I? It was not the right time yet. But even if it were, I guess it would not be a bad thing if I could drag a devil with me to my death.

Just then, the yard was lit by the headlight of another car. Turning my head, I saw Ashton’s jeep driving up.

I glanced at my watch. It was twelve midnight. I was slightly surprised that he had actually come back.

John’s car was easily spotted by Ashton upon the latter’s return. However, he did not get down immediately. Instead, he stayed in his car, lit up a cigarette, and started puffing away while observing us with a deathly glare.

John, being the despicable opportunist that he was, leaned closer to me and sniggered the moment he saw Ashton. “I wonder what will Ashton’s reaction be if he witnessed me kissing you?”

“You sick b**tard!” I screamed and tried to move away from him, but alas, there was not enough space in the car.

Lunging his body forward, he managed to plant a kiss on my lips before moving back. Licking his lips in satisfaction, he deliberately stared back at Ashton with a taunting look on his face

“John, are you crazy?”

“Yes, I am!” John nodded just as Ashton got out of his car.

I stared at him fiercely and demanded, “Open the door now!”

He totally ignored my demand. He was busy tracking Ashton who just got out of his

car. When he saw that the latter went straight back to the villa. He turned to look at me before laughing, “Letty, he doesn’t love you at all. He doesn’t even care if others

touch you!”

John had indeed learned the essence of tormenting his prey as his words struck a nerve deep within me. I retorted, “So what? It has nothing to do with you. Just let me go…”

Smash! A loud noise reverberated throughout the whole car. It was immediately followed by the sound of a car window cracking.

Lifting my gaze, I was shocked to see Ashton standing beside the car. His eyes were full of cold malice. Great, here comes another devil.

From afar, they all looked like well-dressed well-mannered gentlemen. But upon closer inspection, everyone’s souls were rotten to the core.

John’s a rotten guy. I was no better. And even Ashton could be despicable at times.

Concealed behind his cold sophistication and high nobility laid a feral, bloodthirsty soul.

And that untamed side of him was unleashed that night. Ashton was holding a sledgehammer in his hand which was left by the stone smith who repaired the yard rockery a few days ago. Against a hammer, a car’s window could never withstand its smash.

John stared icily at the shattered window glass. He simply watched as Ashton stretched his hand in and opened the car door.

As soon as the door was opened, I got out of the car silently before glancing at the two evenly-matched men that were locked in a stare down contest,


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