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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 

Oh. The grocery store owner complied without fuss

Sherilyn was dumbstruck… 

Gilbert suddenly spun around, fixing his gaze on her. What are you waiting for? Pay up!” 

*Ah? Oh, right.” 

Sherilyn fumbled for her phone, Here, I’ll transfer the money to you for the flour” 

Yeah, sure.” 

Gilbert watched coldly as the grocer’s eyes never left Sherilynwas she clueless? Didn’t she notice at all

Hurry up!” 

Was it really taking her this long just to make a payment

All done.Sherilyn gave the owner an apologetic smile. “Thank you so much.” 

No, no problem” 

The grocer glanced at Gilbert, tempted to ask, Sherilyn, who is he?” 

Are we going or what?Gilbert shot him a look, icy as a blade

The owner, intimidated, quickly clammed up, Then, Sherilyn, I’ll just be off” 

Okay, take care.” 

Sherilyn waved goodbye, her face awash with embarrassment

What are you looking at?” 

Gilbert was thoroughly annoyed. All this fuss over what? Was he missing something that made standing around so fascinating

And that lollipop she was sucking onhe’d had enough of it

When Sherilyn turned back to him, Gilbert reached out, snatched the lollipop from her mouth, and tossed it into a nearby gutter

What the heck?Sherilyn exclaimed, bewildered, Why would you do that?” 

What are you shouting for?” 

Gilbert had been holding back for too long. The nerve of her, accepting candy from another guy! Tossing it felt good

He squinted at Sherilyn and grumbled, That candy’s cheap, tastes just as bad. Don’t eat 



What? Sherilyn was at a loss for words

Was it any of his business whether the candy was cheap or not

Seeing Sherilyn fuming, Gilbert felt even less pleased. Who was that guy? What’s your relationship with him? Tossing his candy got you mad?” 

What relationship?Sherilyn was confused. He runs the grocery where I buy my flour. He was nice enough to give me candy, and you threw it away. Should I be happy?” 

Is that all?Gilbert pressed, narrowing his eyes

What do you mean all?Sherilyn was utterly lost

Fine then

Gilbert realized it was just a onesided thing from the grocer, all over Sherilyn

He smirked slightly, bending down to lift the boxes. Come on, help me out here!” 


Sherilyn turned around, silently notingshe hadn’t asked for his help, had she

Gilbert had already picked up two boxes, pointing at her, Put the flour bag on top, and carry those two fruit baskets yourself!” 

After saying it, he realized his tone might have been harsh

He added, Can you manage?” 

Yeah, I think so.” 


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