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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 1016

"Thanks a lot."

Sherilyn took the latte with a smile, savoring a sip before suggesting, "We've got some time to kill today. What do you say we call up Candida and the gang and grab lunch out?"

"Sure thing," Naomi replied with a grin, already on her feet. "I'll go fetch Candida!"

They didn't have to go far, just to a nearby diner right in the heart of the studio city.

However, they couldn't just waltz in. The place was packed, and they had to take a number and wait for a table.

"Sherilyn, take a seat here," Naomi offered, pulling up a chair for her. "I'll go stand in line!"

Candida naturally stuck close to Sherilyn, safeguarding her spot.

As Sherilyn eyed the lengthy queue, she wondered just how long it would take for their turn to come up.


Suddenly, a loud shout broke the monotony.

Sherilyn's head snapped towards the noise, recognizing the voice as Karol's...

Given they were in the studio city, it wasn't odd to bump into her, especially since she'd been hanging around set locations lately.

However, Karol seemed startled by the shout, turning on her heel to dart away.

"Don't even think about running!"

But she was swiftly grabbed, the captor's voice booming, "Where do you think you're going?"

Caught in the middle of such a public scene, Karol was both embarrassed and furious, struggling to break free. "Let go of me, now!"

"We'll see about that!"

The captor demanded, "Pay up! Once I have the money, I'll leave you be."

Karol exploded, "What money? You've lost your mind! I don't have a dime!"

"No money?"

The captor scoffed, "You must be joking. Making money in the entertainment biz is a breeze! Plus, aren't you an expert at cozying up to the big shots? A little whisper in the right ear, and you're set."

"Shut your mouth!"

Karol, red with rage, lunged forward to cover the captor's mouth. "Stop spouting nonsense!"

"Am I, though?"

But her efforts were futile against the captor's strength.


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