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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106 

Sherilyn glanced at him, a smirk playing on her lips. No need. I’ll tell the truth to the cops. She was curious to see if Mr. Gilbert really had the clout to pull strings around here

She couldn’t believe how stubborn he was being. Was it really that hard to just open up and explain things to him

Gilbert, trapped in his own stand, curled his lips into a sneer. Fine, very well then! Off you go!” 

Did she really think he was eager to meddle in her affairs? If he involved himself any further, he might as well be a fool

Let’s go!” 

Turning around, Sherilyn was escorted away by a female officer

Behind her, a loud crash echoed. Sherilyn stiffenedGilbert had kicked the coffee table over in a fit of rage

The room was left in total disarray

At the police station

Officer, I’ve made everything clear,Sherilyn insisted

From the moment she started giving her statement, Sherilyn had repeatedly said she hadn’t done anything. But the police weren’t buying it

If you did nothing, then what were you doing there?” 

Sherilyn found herself at a loss for words

She was the only person in the room at the time, and her previous statements confirmed 


Your story doesn’t add up. Do you see the problem here?” 

Sherilyn was silent, overwhelmed with confusion

Maybe you have a witness? Family, friends, anyone?” 

Sherilyn felt a sense of dread; she had no one

With that, the police were out of options. Alright, take her into custody.” 

After closing the record book, Sherilyn was led to the back

The iron door opened, pushing her inside

Already, there were people there. A few scantily clad girls, heavily made up, clearly 


Indicating their line of work

Sherilyn pursed her lips and found a corner to sit down

The girls glanced at her but didn’t pay much attention

How long are we going to be locked up?” 

One of them yawned, complaining. This is endless! Are they going to let us do business or what?” 

Thinking about business still? We should be thankful if they don’t send us to

correctional facility! That’s months of hassle!” 

Living off the government’s dime isn’t too bad! Haha” 

Sherilyn listened, her heart sinking

Was she going to be treated the same as them? Sent to a correctional facility? She knew what that meant

It wasn’t exactly prison, but it was still a form of rehabilitation. No, she couldn’t afford this! She hadn’t anticipated things turning out this way

Regret was useless now. She should never have let that man walk away


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