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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 1071


Gilbert locked eyes with her, his gaze sparkling with warmth.

"If we get married, I become her dad naturally. We can explain the past to her when she's older."

Is that really the way?

Sherilyn fell silent for a moment.

Objectively speaking, it was a sound idea.

Jenna was still young, too young to need explanations. If they got married, over time, she would naturally accept Gilbert as her father. As she grew up, she might even forget that her father had been absent for the first few years of her life…

It would minimize any hurt to her.

But marriage?

She hadn't really considered it.

Even though they were already in such a relationship.


Seeing her hesitation, Gilbert squeezed her hand gently, his eyes earnest. "Would you? Would you marry me?"


Sherilyn furrowed her brows, caught in indecision.

"No rush."

Gilbert sensed her hesitation and chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You don't have to answer right away. Take your time, think it over, and let me know when you're ready."

Besides, he realized he was being a bit hasty today. Such an important thing as marriage deserved proper preparation, a formal proposal that he hadn't given her the first time around.

Just then, Sherilyn's phone buzzed.

Gilbert glanced at it, curious, but didn't pry.

"It's Rebecca White," Sherilyn volunteered. "Her divorce was finalized today."

"That's good news," Gilbert remarked, nodding. "It's been dragging on for a while."

Then he asked, "How does she feel about your brother now?"

"I'm not sure," Sherilyn replied, frowning slightly. Relationships were personal matters, and no matter how close you were to someone, it was hard to interfere.

Sunhaven was already feeling the first hints of summer.


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