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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 1094

Without a moment's hesitation, Gilbert shook his head vigorously and declared, "Never again!"

Sherilyn let out a low whimper, her arms tightening around his neck as her slender legs dangled on either side of him, swinging back and forth.

Suddenly, she balled up her fist and gave him a solid thump.

"Ouch!" Gilbert yelped in surprise, not from pain, but from being caught off guard.

"Hurry up!"

Sherilyn snapped, her tone sharp, "I'm gonna get eaten alive by mosquitoes out here, and you're moving like a snail!"


Gilbert was momentarily speechless, then chuckled as he nodded, "Got it! Hold on tight!"

He picked up the pace, almost jogging back to the cozy little cottage they were staying in.

Once inside, he gently set Sherilyn down on the bed.

Sitting there, she began to scratch her arms and legs.

Gilbert noticed her skin, red and irritated from her scratching.

"Stop scratching."

He quickly took her hands, pulling a small jar of calamine lotion from his pocket, a remedy Rebecca White had given him earlier.

"Here, this will stop the itching..."

"I'm thirsty," Sherilyn suddenly looked up at him, "I need water!"

"Alright." Gilbert brushed her cheek softly, "I'll get you some."

He headed out and returned shortly with a glass of water.


Gilbert stopped dead in his tracks, his wide eyes nearly popping out, his breath caught in his throat.

The culprit of his shock sat there with an innocent look, completely unaware of the stir she had caused!

"You're back."

Sherilyn was still sitting on the bed, but now, her clothes were scattered around her.

Her skin was flawless, creamy and smooth, slender yet perfectly proportioned.

Under the warm light, she seemed to glow with an ethereal beauty.

Gilbert's throat went dry, his voice raspy, "What are you doing?"


Chapter 1094 1


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