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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Yeah.Sherilyn nodded. Got it.” 

Seeing the look of disdain on his face, she quickly added, I’ll open the windows to air out the place. There won’t be any lingering smells, and Ill clean up the kitchen, too.” 

You?Gilbert smirked disdainfully, You can’t even boil pasta properly. And now, you’re going to clean? Don’t bother. We’ll wait for the cleaning service tomorrow.” 

With that, he turned and walked upstairs

Finally, Gilbert was gone. Sherilyn exhaled in relief and settled back down. The cold and unappetizing pasta on her plate looked even 


Without showing any emotion, Sherilyn picked up her fork and resumed eating. Before long, she had finished the pasta

After airing out the kitchen and tidying up, Sherilyn Hopped on the living room couch

The guest room? There was no need to bother, lest he complained about her leaving behind some nasty smell again

She would start looking for a place to stay the next day. Just roughing it out for a couple of days wouldn’t hurt

Bright and early the following moming, Sherilyn was already up and out before Gilbert came downstairs

She needed to urgently find a job and a place to stay. Having mapped out her route the night before, she headed straight for the bus stop and took the subway. Her destination was the Neon Nights Bar a hotspot in Sunhaven for entertainment

With a background in contemporary dance, Sherilyn was there to apply for a dancer position. Everyone in Sunhaven knew that the Neon Nights Bar had a bit of a risqué reputation, where the wealthy splurged for a good time 

But Sherilyn wasn’t afraid. She was there to earn her keep and showcase her talent, not to do anything shameful

At the Neon Nights Bar, as Joyce Cooper had instructed, Sherilyn looked for a manager named Colin

Since it was daytime, the bar wasn’t open, and she soon met Manager Colin

Hello, Colin,” Sherilyn greeted, poised and confident

Hello,” Colin responded with a nod and smile, “You’re the one Ms. Cooper mentioned. What’s your name again?” 

Sherlyn introduced, Sherilyn, Sherilyn Gomez.” 

Ah, right,Colin said, eyeing her appreciatively. Being a friend of a friend and seeing her attractive appearance and figure, he was already inclined to give her a chance. Sherilyn, you’re hired.” 

Sherilyn’s eyes lit up. Even with Joyce’s referral, Sherilyn didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. Thank you, Colin.” 

Don’t mention it Colin waved off, A recommendation from Ms. Cooper? I’d be a fool to refuse. Plus, I have a hunch you’ll be a hit here at the Neon Nights Bar 

He continued, Let’s get your measurements for your costume and get you ready to debut. How about this Friday? It’s a busy night, perfect for your first performance” 

No problem,” Sherilyn quickly agreed. How could she have objections

Colin was pleased. Great, it’s settled then.” 

Sherilyn smiled. Thank you


After leaving the Neon Nights Bar, Sherilyn pulled out her phone to call Joyce

The call dropped after two rings, but soon after, Joyce called her back

Jesus!Sherilyn chuckled as she answered, Why do you always do that?” 


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