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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

Yes, yes 

Colm nodded nervously, dreading that Gilbert’s next words would be a demand to see Sherilyn. What would he do then

But Gilbert merely waved his hand dismissively. Alright, off you go.” 

Uh, okay.” 

Colin turned around, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. What was that all about? Just a question and nothing more

He couldn’t fathom what Gilbert’s intentions towards Sherilyn were. Shaking his head, he 


Entering the dressing room, he relayed the message to Sherilyn, Mr. Gilbert’s here, at his usual spot.

What?Sherilyn paused, frowning slightly

He’s here again? What does he want now

Colin sighed, No clue what’s up with Mr. Gilbert. Just be careful, okay?” 

Alright, I will.Sherilyn nodded, standing up. It was her time to go on stage

Everything seemed normal

Sherilyn performed as usual until she came off stage and went back to the dressing room to remove her makeup; all was calm

She thought, perhaps Gilbert was just here for socializing

After all, hadn’t he often come before

After changing out of her costume, she could hear a commotion outside, as if someone was arguing

Could it be Gilbert? No, there seemed to be a shrill female voice

Sherilyn finished changing and opened the door

Out of my way! I’m going to tear that homewrecker apart today!It was a woman’s voice, so piercingly loud it could burst eardrums

Hey! You can’t go in there!” 

Quick! Stop her!” 

Back off!” 


Before the could fish, the gut raised her arm and dapet Stently acres 

Sherlyn, caught off guard took the ft squarely covering her face her brow Sighty 

She glared at the gir 

You dare glare at me

The gin, chins raised scoffed) What? Doesnt a shameless woman like you desene to 

Sherlyn fet darkness closing in 

Sherlyn. Colin entered, standing behind the girl, gesturing franticaly and mouthing something 

Mc Smith


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