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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Sylvia pulled Sherilyn to her feet, Since we’re on the topic, it’s perfect timing. Go try on that dress with me.” 


Listen up! Don’t make me unhappy!” 

Unable to refuse, Sherilyn had no choice but to follow Sylvia upstairs

The dress was secretly stashed in Sylvia’s room to keep it a surprise

Sylvia led her into the walkin closet, pointing to a dress hanging on the rack, freshly ironed and covered with a dust protector, Look, isn’t it beautiful?” 

Uhhuh.Sherilyn nodded, It’s beautiful.” 

Sylvia surveyed Sherilyn, You’re tall, with a great figure. Only you could pull it off. Come on, try it on?” 

Okay, Sylvia.” 

Sylvia turned and left the closet, waiting outside


Cara came to consult Sylvia on a matter, There’s an order that seems questionable, I need your confirmation.” 

Alright.Sylvia agreed to handle it since Caroline wasn’t there

So, off she went with Cara

No sooner had they left, than Gilbert climbed the stairs

He had come home early today to see if there was anything he needed to do. Since Sylvia and Sherilyn weren’t downstairs, he decided to head up

Grandma, are you in your room?” 

He knocked on Sylvia’s door. Finding it unlocked, he pushed it open

In the closet, Sherilyn had slipped into the dress, which fit her perfectly, except for a small hiccup

The zipper was at the back, and she couldn’t reach it

Just as she was fretting, she heard footsteps behind her. Thinking it was Sylvia, she didn’t turn around, Grandma, could you help me with the zipper? I can’t seem to reach.” 

The footsteps paused briefly, then slowly approached

Sherilyn could feel someone standing behind her. She turned around, Could you please, Gran” 

Her words halted abruptly in shock

It wasn’t Sylvia. It was Gilbert


Startled, Sherilyn instinctively tried to flee

Don’t move!” 

Gilbert stopped her, grabbing her wrist with one hand and holding her waist with the other, lowering his head so his breath was almost against her ear

Dressed like this, where do you think you’re running off to? Believe me, one move, and the dress will slip right off.” 

At his words, Sherilyn shivered, believing him

So, she dared not move

Gilbert’s lips curved in an almost imperceptible smile, his hand moving towards her waist, Zipper, yeah?” 

Uhhuh.Sherilyn lowered her gaze, nodding. Sorry for the trouble” 

How had things turned out this way

Where was Sylvia? Gilbert was her only hope now


Gilbert’s hand fumbled at her waist, Where’s the zipper?” 

Searching, but not finding it

YouSherilyn’s face flushed with embarrassment, It’s right there! How can you not find it?” 

Where exactly?” 

Gilbert wasn’t pretending. I’ve never worn women’s clothes.” 


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