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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 

His laugh was barely a whisper. With halfshut eyes, he shot a sharp, icy glint from them

Run? Did she really think she could get away

Inside the room

The moment Sherilyn stepped in the room, she collapsed to the floor

Lifting her hand, she vigorously wiped her mouth, muttering softly, Nono” 

Her body couldn’t stop trembling, fear slowly spreading from the bottom of her heart. Yes, it wasn’t shock; it was fear

Gilbert had actually kissed her? What on earth was he trying to do

Sherilyn couldn’t figure it out. Curling up, she got up from the floor and staggered into the bathroom to brush her teeth over and over again

She needed to wash away this man’s taste, clean and thorough

Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. It was a call from Joyce

Hello?Sherilyn tried to sound calm as she answered

Hi, Mommy.” The voice on the other end was childishly soft

Jenna!?Instantly, Sherilyn’s eyes welled up, tears uncontrollably streaming down. Jenna, my sweet girl.” 


The child’s voice sounded surprisingly cheerful today, Is it dark where Mommy is? Is Mommy getting ready for bed?” 

It was just past eleven at night in Sunhaven, while over in Crestwood, it was around ten in the morning

Yeah.Sherilyn smiled, Jenna, you’re 

well last night?” 

I did. I’ve been 


so smart. Did you just wake up, darling? Did you sleep 

for a while now. Joyce came to see me, and I wanted to call Mommy.” 

Is that so?” 

Hearing her child’s voice, Sherilyn’s heart melted, Calling me because you missed me, huh?” 

Yes.Jenna’s voice was adorably sweet, Today is Mommy’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mommy.” 

At that, Sherilyn paused, her eyes immediately brimming with tears. She hadn’t expected her daughter to call for this reason

Her voice nearly broke as she spoke, Thank you, thank you, my darling Jenna.” 

No thank you needed, Mommywithout Mommy, there would be no Jenna.” 

At this, Sherilyn couldn’t hold back her tears any longer, Mm, oh” 

Even Jenna could hear her crying, Mommy, don’t cry. Jenna loves you!” 

Sherilyn choked up. I love you too, baby.” 

Mommy.” Jenna’s voice turned wheedling, I miss you so much. When will you come to get me?” 

Sherilyn paused, her heart aching. She wasn’t capable enough yet to bring Jenna back


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