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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 173


Chapter 173 

Sherilyn couldn’t help but laugh in frustration

She chose to ignore him and continued with her life as usual

After getting off the bus, Sherilyn entered the office building to catch the elevator to the dance studio on the fifth floor

A familiar voice caught her off guard as she stepped in. Sherilyn?” 

She looked up to see Caroline standing there with a smile and saying,”What a coincidence. Long time no see.” 

Hmph. Sherilyn gave her a sideways glance but didn’t respond

Caroline’s smile quickly turned into a scowl. Sherilyn, don’t you have manners? Can’t you at least respond when someone greets you?” 

Sherilyn turned to face her. Let’s not talk about manners for now. But you don’t need to put on an act for me. Gilbert’s not here, and Sylvia’s not here. Who are you performing for?” 

Caroline was furious. You” 

Or is itSherilyn smirked, Have you been playing the good guy for so long that you’ve started to believe it yourself? Who do you think you are, Meryl Streep? Do you think you’re up to par?” 

YouCaroline’s face turned red in anger

Hmph.Sherilyn sneered, aiming to hit where it hurt

You’re here for a job, right?Caroline smirked, I’d advise you not to bother because you’ll never find a job in Sunhaven!” 

What? Sherilyn was shocked. What do you mean by that?” 

What do I mean?Caroline repeated, questioning in return, Don’t you find it strange? Are you that bad?” 

She looked Sherilyn up and down disdainfully. I won’t comment on your abilities, but come on, you graduated from Crestwood Arts University. Are you so bad that no place wants to hire you?” 



What are you getting at?Sherilyn frowned, running out of patience. Caroline was beating around the bush

Sherilyn snapped, Speak up, or let’s just drop it” 

Don’t rush. I’m getting to it.Caroline didn’t linger any longer. It’s because Gilbert has made it clear that in Sunhaven, no dance place is allowed to hire you!” 

Sherilyn was shocked. Could such a thing happen? But it explained why she had faced rejection in her job hunt these past few days. So, it wasn’t that she was not qualified. It was Gilbert blocking her every path! What was he trying to do? Drive her to desperation

Sherilyn stood silently, clenching her fists, her face pale as a ghost


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