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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 

After a while, Caroline came out, her eyes red and swollen from crying

She spoke with sobs. Sylvia, Gilbert, what did the doctor say about Francis’s condition?” 

There, there, my dear.Sylvia pulled Caroline close, fearing the news might break her heart further, trying to console her. The doctor mentioned that we can’t rush Francis’s recovery. It’s already a miracle he woke up. His 

rehabilitation will take time.” 

Okay.Caroline nodded, tears choking her voice. I understand. I’ll be there for 


Then, she turned to Gilbert. I might have to cut back on work. I need to make 

time to care for Francis.” 

Sylvia was quick to support, not even waiting for Gilbert to speak. You’ve thought this through well, dear. Don’t worry. Gilbert will handle it.” 

Patting Caroline’s hand, Sylvia added, Francis will get better. You’ve been through so much, my dear. It’s finally turning around, isn’t it?” 

Caroline managed a tearful smile, Yes, Sylvia.” 

That night, Gilbert stayed over at the Johnson Mansion as usual

He brought some chicken soup to Sylvia’s room

Sylvia smiled while accepting it. Thanks, my boy.” 

Gilbert smiled back at her. Don’t mention it.” 

Both were in good spirits today

Having the soup, Sylvia remembered something. She asked, Did you tell Sherilyn about Francis waking up?” 

Not yet,Gilbert shook his head

YouSylvia gave him a look, setting down her soup and reaching for her phone

If you don’t tell bar I will. Francie was fond of Sharilus and Cherilyn took good 

Chapter 194 

care of him when he first fell into the coma. She needs to know” 

Grandma.Amused and exasperated, Gilbert stopped her, I’m not keeping it from Sherilyn. It’s just that Sherilyn’s not in Sunhaven right now.” 

What?Sylvia was surprised. Where did she go? How do you know? You’re still bothering her, huh?” 

Ahem.Gilbert cleared his throat and covered his mouth with a hand. What are you saying, Grandma? I’m pursuing her, legitimately pursuing her, okay?” 

Outside, Caroline passed by the slightly ajar door and heard it clear as day. She stopped in her tracks. Holding her breath, she listened

You’re just looking for trouble!Sylvia scoffed at Gilbert inside, I tried setting you up before, and you didn’t want it! Now that she’s not interested, you’re all in?” 

Suddenly, Sylvia thought of Caroline and sighed. Do you always want what you can’t have? Always chasing someone not into you?” 


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