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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 227

All day long, Sherilyn had been at the dance studio, perfecting her moves. Daphne, the troupe's director, had made it clear: in two days, Sherilyn was to perform for her. If she nailed it, the troupe would start rehearsing for the big showcase.

By quarter past six, Sherilyn changed out of her dance gear, slung her bag over her shoulder, and hurried out.

"Sherilyn, wanna grab dinner with us tonight?" her colleagues called out from the locker room.

"Sorry, guys, I can't tonight," she apologized, glancing at her watch. She had a scene to shoot later that evening and couldn't afford to be late.

"Have fun without me! Bye, see you tomorrow!" With that, she dashed out.

"Man, what's with Sherilyn?" one of them mumbled. "She never hangs out."

"Psh." Hannah, among them, scoffed disdainfully. "Well, she's the golden girl, isn't she? Ms. Hansen's prized talent. Why would she bother with us?"

When it came out that Sherilyn had suddenly joined the troupe, it set off a wave of comments.

"I heard she was with RED Dance Troupe before. She's really good."

"Yeah, I've seen her dance. She's amazing..."

"Hmph!" Hannah snorted, "Good dancer? As if any of us are bad. Seriously, would any of us even be in the Lightning Dance Troupe if we weren’t top-notch?"

But deep down, they all felt the sting. Sherilyn had only been there for a few days and had already been chosen as the lead dancer!

Naturally, not everyone was thrilled, especially Hannah.

She had been groomed by Daphne from a young age, destined to join the troupe. Before Sherilyn arrived, Hannah was the star of the younger generation.


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