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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 231

At the Platinum Pearl Club, Edgar arrived to find only Yates and Derek present.

"What's up?" Yates waved Edgar over to sit down.

Derek set down his beer, "Heard you were looking for me from Ed. What's the deal? If I can help, I will."

"Thanks, man."

With time pressing and the image of Sherilyn looking all out of sorts on his mind, Edgar cut straight to the chase.

"So, here's the thing..."

After Edgar spilled the beans, Derek’s face was a picture of disbelief.

"This actually happened?"

Back in the day, Gilbert had gone through a lot of trouble to get Sherilyn out of a dive like Neon Nights Bar and into Daphne Hansen's dance troupe. And just when she hadn't even made a name for herself, she gets the boot.

"Man." Edgar was earnest. "My aunt and Ms. Hansen are close, right? Can you help out?"

"That's... well..." Derek hesitated, knowing that Gilbert had already called in a favor once before. But he couldn’t just refuse outright and nodded, "Alright, I'll talk to my mom, see what I can do..."

"Thank you so much!"

Derek waved him off. "Don't thank me yet. This isn’t a sure thing."

He knew Daphne was a stickler for rules; she'd made an exception for Sherilyn once because of her talent. But this was about breaking company policy. Tough luck.

Hearing this, Edgar felt a sinking feeling but still held onto hope, "Whether it works out or not, I'm grateful you're trying."

"Sure thing." Derek stood up. "I'll call my mom right now."

"Thanks, man!"

The call was brief. Soon enough, Derek was back, phone in hand. "I've talked to her. We'll wait and see."

"Okay, cool."


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